1995 Northeast of model board representing northern portion of trackage monitored by the Philadelphia poer directors center; free-standing cabinet at far right center of photograph is an early computer which supplanted operator control from Lamokin Tower in the 1980's; switchboard console #1 for controlling indicating lights is at lower right
1995 Northwest of model board; telephone communications with interlock towers and substations was maintained using the switchboard at the photograph's lower left of center; switchboard console #1 for controlling indicating lights is at lower left of the photograph
1995 Northwest of model board and operator's station #1
1995 North of model board; operator's console #1 is in the left foreground of the photograph: communications module at center foreground
1995 Southwest of model board from operator's station #2; round hole in board at right center of photograph was the location for a clock
1995 Southwest of model board and operator's station #2; cabinet in foreground houses at supervisory board and control switches for circuit breakers