James I. Barrett House, Washington DC

1400 29th Street is a good example of a substantial Victorian free-standing residence. Its scale is not overly grand yet both interior and exterior show an ample spaciousness. Similarly its ornamentation is rich but not overabundant. In its strongly symmetrical plan and Its single block massing it partakes of much of the spirit of the earlier 19th century. It is one of the most prominent examples of this conservative Victorian vein in Georgetown.
This two story brick free-standing house faces east onto 29th Street at the northwest corner of 29th and 0 Streets. Its south side is approximately 25' from the centerline of 0 Street. The three bay front (east) elevation is 36' 9" and the south elevation is 32' 8" long.
At the west the house is entered by a pair of 15 light modern French doors to the north living room, A modern 3' door gives access to the present kitchen from the yard. From this same yard a riser stair extends down from south to north to the basement under the present kitchen.
Floor plans: The plan is nearly square and is divided down the middle, east to west, by a 6' wide central hall. To the west an enclosed porch has been added. The first floor contains a full length northern living room, a southeast parlor-library, (with 20th century lavatory), a southwest dining room, and a kitchen in the closed in porch at the west. At the second floor there are four nearly square bedrooms, a bath at the east end of the stair hall, and a bath at the enclosed west porch. A basement extends under the southern portion of the main block beginning at the south wall of the living room above. This contains two large rooms and a furnace room. A wood room extends as a basement under the west porch.
The original kitchen was located in the basement; the present first floor kitchen and bath were added in the 20th century. Also the second floor porch was enclosed, an access was added and a small bath.