Cederburg Mill, Cederburg Wisconsin

This large water powered flour mill was built in 1855. Built for Frederick Hilgen and William Schroeder, millers, Hilgen and Schroeder came to Cedarburg in 1844? purchased 30 acres of land for $35 and built a log mill which was in operation until the present mill was built in 1855. Schroeder was first postmaster of Cedarburg. In 1865, Hilgen sold his interest in the mill to a man named Trottman. The Cedarburg Supply Company acquired the mill ca. 1925-30. The original cost of the mill was $25,000, and it had a capacity of 120 barrels of flour per day.
The original part of the building is L-shaped, consisting of a main block plus wing. The main block is rectangular, 7-4-1/2'x 42', with the major axis running northwest-southeast, and with entrances on the southwest side. The wing extends 36-1/2' from the northwest end of the northeast side, and is 30-1/2' wide. The main block is divided 6 bays by 3 bays; the wing, 3 bays by 2 bays. The main block is five stories high with a monitor roof; the wing, four stories with a monitor roof. One story modern additions are at the southeast end and the northeast side.
The mill has an urban setting on a principal street at the edge of Cedar Creek. The old mill race runs under the modem concrete block addition on the southeast side.