Springside (Mathew Vassar Estate), Poughkeepsie New York

Built by Mathew Vassr (1792-1868), founder of Vassar College, as a country seat, Springside is unique in possessing the only two buildings which can be definitely attributed to Andrew Jackson Downing (1803-1892). Downing's plans and elevations for the cottage and the stables are now in the Vassar Library Collection.
Mathew Vassar originally bought the land on which the cottage and outbuildings stand in behalf of the Poughkeepsie Cemetery Committee. The Committe rejected the site and Vassar decided to engage A.J. Downing to landscape the grounds and build his country home. Springside is the last extant example of Downings work.
Dormer windows and the side balcony were added to the corrage in the 20th century. The carriage house and barn were extensively damaged by fire on August 18th, 1969.