Additional Pictures 3 Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Veteran's cemetery: Section 75 (1977)
Veteran's cemetery: Section 75 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Wilson: section 31 (1977)
Wilson: section 31 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Bessie Van Schehaick - angel monument: section 29 (1977)
Bessie Van Schehaick - angel monument: section 29 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Kibbee monument and cypress water: Section 30 (1977)
Kibbee monument and cypress water: Section 30 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Boulware/Richardson monument: section 30 (1977)
Boulware/Richardson monument: section 30 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Angel-Hasey monument: Section 28 (1977)
Angel-Hasey monument: Section 28 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Wooster monument: section 24 (1977)
Wooster monument: section 24 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Monteath the mourner marker: section 5 (1977)
Monteath the mourner marker: section 5 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Pitkin: section 107 (1977)
Pitkin: section 107 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Dyer Lathrop monument, section 11 (1977)
Dyer Lathrop monument, section 11 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Robert Lenox Banks' memorial to his Wife section 31; Angel of the Sepulcher; Palmer, sculptor (1977)
Robert Lenox Banks' memorial to his Wife section 31; Angel of the Sepulcher; Palmer, sculptor (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Glazier monument: section 29 (1977)
Glazier monument: section 29 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Glazier monument detail, section 29 (1977)
Glazier monument detail, section 29 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Hilton monument: section 29 (1977)
Hilton monument: section 29 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Tebbutt family (late 19<sup>th</sup> and early 20<sup>th</sup> century stones): section 19 (1977)
Tebbutt family (late 19th and early 20th century stones): section 19 (1977)

Albany Rural Cemetery, Menands New York Cemetery Map (1977)
Cemetery Map (1977)