Vacant Elementary School Building in NJ
Gregory Primary School, Long Branch New Jersey

The Gregory Primary School is the result of a legacy of educational zeal and reform in Long Branch, which lasted from the mid-19th to the early 20th centuries. The school's construction was influenced by national trends in educational reform and school design during this period, but was also the result of local needs and desires for better elementary schools and schooling.
Prior to the construction of the Gregory Primary School, the most recent elementary school construction occurred in 1903 with the Liberty Street School, which was exclusively for African-American students. By the late 1910s, however, there was an increased demand across the state for "more complete educational facilities than those with which [they] were satisfied in years past." One-, two- and three-room schoolhouses were consequently consolidated, allowing pupils to be more effectively grouped by ability, and for more effective instruction and better equipment and facilities.
These increased needs eventually culminated in the desire for a new school, the first mention of which occurred at a meeting on the Board of Education in May 1922. Thomas P. Fay addressed the Board of Education on behalf of the Long Branch Commissioners suggesting that the site bordered by Joline, 7th and Hendrickson Avenues would be an appropriate one for a new school. Not only would this school accommodate the displaced children from the closed Branchport School, but it would also provide a conveniently located school in a growing neighborhood in northwest Long Branch. At the time, the school closest to northwest Long Branch was the Liberty Street School, which was approximately .5 miles away from the proposed site of the Gregory Primary School. The North Long Branch School was approximately 1.5 miles away and the Broadway School was approximately 1 mile away. Clearly, this was a neighborhood that could greatly benefit from this new construction.
In December 1922, $125,000 was consequently allocated for the construction of a new elementary school and Leon Cubberly was selected as the architect. Because of budget constraints, Cubberly's design did not contain an auditorium, which was considered to be "a serious loss" to both the children and the community in general." In February 1923, the Board of Education surveyed the lot bordered by Joline, 7th, and Hendrickson Avenues and purchased it in March 1923 for $10,000. Construction was slated to begin in the fall of 1923.
In September 1923, John N. Pierson was called before the Board of Education to present alternate plans for the school building. Presumably, it was the loss of the auditorium space that no longer proved satisfactory. When Pierson's design accommodated the programmatic requirements within the allotted budget, he officially replaced Cubberly as the building's architect.
On September 18th, 1923, an additional $15,000 was unanimously approved by the Board of Education for the construction of the Gregory Primary School, bringing the total acquisition and construction costs to $140,000. Less than one month later, a $90,993 contract was awarded to the G.W. Mercer Construction Company of Perth Amboy, and John N. Pierson and Son, also of Perth Amboy was cited as the architect. A local newspaper article noted that John N. Pierson also designed buildings for the New Jersey Trust Company and the Long Branch Banking Company, both of Long Branch, as well as a number of schools throughout New Jersey. Richard C. Warwick was selected as the plumber with a contract for $3,119.50; George W. Stillwell was selected to install the heating and ventilation systems for $11,037; and Henry Mielke was selected as the electrician with a contract for $3,980.
On February 6th, 1924, a local newspaper article stated, that "the new primary school which is being built at Long Branch will be known as the Gregory Primary School, in honor of Christopher Gregory, who was superintendent of the Long Branch schools for thirty years."
Construction was completed in less than a year and the new school was dedicated the "Gregory Primary School" on October 24th, 1924. 600 people attended the dedication, including former Superintendent Gregory, for whom the school was named, the Mayor of Long Branch, members of the Board of Education, several of the City Commissioners and the County Superintendent of Schools. Charles T. Stone, speaking at the dedication, said that the new school was "a monument to the school system of Long Branch to have such a splendid elementary building for the teaching of the fundamentals of education … The building additionally taught the need of obedience, to love one another, the great necessity of work, as the road to high success, how to cultivate their pleasures with a view to aiding themselves and to develop great moral character." Although perhaps overly sentimental, his words attest to the regard in which the school was held within its community.
The original building had eleven general classrooms, one kindergarten classroom in the southeast corner, a library, an auditorium with a stage at the north end, a principal's office, a teacher's room, a boys' and a girls' bathroom and several storage areas and boiler rooms. Many of the classrooms contained built-in wardrobes and storage spaces that remain intact today. From this time until the addition to the building was completed in 1954, the Gregory School educated approximately twenty percent of the children in Long Branch.
As might be expected at a local elementary school, the Gregory Primary School operated as a community gathering space as well as an educational facility. Local newspapers of the time cite it as the location for meetings of the Monmouth County Better Schools Council, the Cub Scouts, the Parent-Teacher Association, the Monmouth County Council of Parents and Teachers, as well as for specific events such as community plays and college speaker series.
In March 1954, mention was first made of the possibility of constructing an addition to the southeast of the original building. This was likely because the Board of Education estimated that the Gregory Primary School would have fifty-one new students in 1954; sixty-eight in 1955; forty-nine in 1956; sixty in 1957; and seventy-two in 1958. This was also in keeping with school construction trends throughout New Jersey, where "more money was spent on school construction in the first four years of the 1950s than in the 1930s and 1940s combined."
Designed by local architects H. Irving Braun and James W. Mancuso, the addition was completed in November 1955 for $194,330. Conrad Hanson was the general contractor and William F. Conklin installed the heating and ventilation systems. Although the design was compatible with the Classical Revival style 1924 building, it also reflected the spare aesthetics of Modernist design, which were in keeping with a desire to minimize construction costs.
The addition contained eight classroom spaces accessed by a double-loaded corridor. The two rooms in the southwest corner were specifically designated as kindergarten classrooms. This designation was particularly important as there were seventy-eight kindergartners in the 1955-1956 school year, too many for the single Kindergarten classroom in the original building.
Another reason for the expansion of the school arose from a change in state law regarding public education. In 1953, the Beadleston Act was passed, which expanded the special education opportunities for un-served or under-served children with physical or mental disabilities. Although laws of this kind had been in place in New Jersey since 1911, they were not actively followed or enforced. The new law provided state aid to fund the programs and presented more stringent guidelines, including providing teams of professionals; psychologists, social workers, and specialists, to assist in the educational process. It was particularly notable in Long Branch because Alfred N. Beadleston was the State Senator from Monmouth County when the act was written.
At the Gregory Primary School, this new requirement necessitated the creation of a special education class conducted by Grace Tucker, beginning in the school year 1954-1955. At that time, it was the only class of its kind in the district. The special education class was likely located in the Gregory Primary School for a number of reasons. The more practical of these being that as the new addition was recently completed, the school presumably had the additional space necessary to accommodate an extra class of students.
Prominent Graduates
Perhaps the most prominent and renowned graduates of the Gregory Primary School were the Thornton Sisters, five young women from a local African-American family who achieved considerable national fame as a performing group. Their father, Donald E. Thornton had also attended the Gregory Primary School and was determined that his daughters would have the same excellent education. To this end, he deliberately moved his family from another part of Long Branch and constructed a house at 174 Ludlow Street in order to be in the proper school district to attend the Gregory School.
Composed of five sisters, Jeanette, Linda, Rita, Donna, and Yvonne, who all attended the Gregory Primary School, the Thornton Sisters began performing in 1955 in colleges, universities, and other venues along the East Coast. Not content with small venues, the Thornton Sisters also played on Ted Mack's Amateur Hour and repeatedly at the Apollo Theater in Harlem. At the Apollo Theater, they won the theater's amateur night six times in a row. The Thornton Sisters were also the subject of the best-selling book and award-winning film entitled The Ditchdiggers Daughters (1997), which details their early history in Long Branch along with their rise to fame.
The sisters, however, were not content to confine their successes solely to music. Jeanette received a PhD in Psychology and an M.D. in Psychiatry; Linda is an Oral Surgeon and a Captain in the U.S. Army; Rita is a lawyer with a PhD in Environmental Science; Donna was a court stenographer; and Yvonne is an Obstetrician / Gynecologist. Yvonne was also "the first black woman in the United States to be Board-certified in High-Risk obstetrics and to be accepted into The New York Obstetrical Society."
Early 20th Century School Architecture
One of the first attempts at codifying the design of primary schools came in 1841 when educator Henry Barnard published School House Architecture. The book was concerned with all aspects of school design, including location, size, light, ventilation, furniture, and arrangements for the teacher. His main goal was to provide a healthy atmosphere for students and teachers, one that would be conducive to both learning and instruction." Although based on his observations of schools in New England, the treatise became an instant success and went on to influence school construction throughout the United States for the rest of the 19th Century. In fact, the New Jersey state superintendent of schools requested the state legislature to provide every township in the state with a copy of Barnard's book.
Although one-room schools were constructed throughout New Jersey through the end of the 19th Century, some larger, more sophisticated schools appeared, particularly in larger towns and urban settings. Most of these followed the simple Barnard pattern that had been developed decades earlier. However, by the turn of the century, it became apparent that the one-room school was an outdated and inadequate model for proper education. Social and demographic trends were outpacing education in the United States, and as the population of school-age children was growing quickly, fewer and fewer children under age eighteen were working in factories or other industrial settings. This meant a much greater need for schools to educate children, beginning a campaign of school construction that became particularly strong after the end of World War I when construction prices decreased.
The Gregory Primary School was constructed in 1924 and was designed by architects John N. Pierson and Son, a firm known particularly for their work on academic buildings throughout New Jersey. As a Classical Revival style building that was Clad in red brick with terra cotta detailing, the Gregory Primary School is both representative of the major stylistic trend of Revivalist school design in the early 20th Century and follows Pierson and Sons' tendency toward Revivalist styles." The appeal of this style was that the plans were simple and could be applied to a variety of building types and functions. The Gregory Primary School is representative of this with its symmetrical facade and floor plan, prominent and columned portico, denticulated pediment, simple pilasters and centered Palladian window. The design of the school not only established it as a formal institution, but also simultaneously rendered it accessible through its aesthetic familiarity.
The Gregory Primary School is also representative of an early 20th Century movement to redefine and standardize school design nationwide. As the population of school-age children continued to grow, educators in New Jersey, and in the United States in general, began an effort to reform the educational system. They believed that teachers and schools were "the agency of society organized to provide for children a series of experiences which develop knowledge, habits, skills, attitudes and appreciations needed for fullness and richness of living and which will put into their possession the experiences and achievements of the race."
In many ways, this was most effectively realized through rethinking the way in which schools were designed, in order to maximally provide for both "the health and comfort of pupils." The more pervasive of these design approaches included being in a central location with adequate indoor and outdoor space." The school should be no more than two stories and should refrain from excessive ornamentation and detailing. Moreover, the use of "good circulation, centralized administration, fire safety and ease of maintenance" as well as copious sunlight, a double-loaded corridor, separated auditorium with exterior exits, and built-in blackboards and coat closets was necessary." There was also the acknowledgment that, as many of these communities continued to grow, the ideal school would be positioned to easily allow for the construction of an addition with minimal disruption to the students. These tenets were so strongly believed that, by the 1920s, New Jersey had "established particularly strict standards for improved spatial organization, lighting, ventilation, fireproofing and design efficiency … "
At the Gregory Primary School, many of these elements can be clearly identified, including the school's height, stairway locations, corridor width and configuration, auditorium, classroom size, blackboards and coat closets. Moreover, the design of the auditorium was particularly indicative of Pierson's adherence to these principles. As with many contemporary schools, the schools were designed to double as community centers and, as such, the auditorium had publicly accessible entrances, allowing for use that neither disrupted daily operations nor that was possible when the school was not in session. Even the position of the school on the lot, fronting North 7th Avenue with ample open space to the east, allowed for the potential of future expansion and allayed the concerns of the community that "while a building may be sufficiently large for the purpose today by another year or two the population of the community will increase to such an extent that it will be too small. As such, the building is effectively a physical manifestation of early 20th Century educational theory.
In 1927, the state of New Jersey undertook a survey of existing schools and scored them using the minimum building code standards with regard to safety, health and comfort. The Gregory Primary School received a score of 95.8 out of 100 when the average score in the state was a 75.8. From this alone it is clear that the Gregory Primary School is an example of early 20th Century school design.
When the Gregory Primary School was constructed, there were four other schools that exclusively instructed elementary school students: the Broadway School (Primary School No. 1), the Garfield School, the Liberty Street School and the West End School. The North Long Branch School, although originally an elementary school, was educating both elementary and middle school students by the mid-1920s. Of these schools, only the North Long Branch School at 469 Church Street and the Broadway School at 540 Broadway (1890) remain. Both schools have an identical Romanesque Revival style design with heavy brick facades, detailed brickwork, symmetrical openings, steep gabled roofs and prominent chimneys. There is consequently a marked contrast between these 19th Century schools and the large windows, terra cotta detailing and open spaces of the 20th Century version. The Gregory Primary School is the only extant elementary school in Long Branch that dates to the early 20th Century and therefore the only building that is emblematic of early 20th Century architectural and educational building trends.
John N. Pierson and Son
John Noble Pierson (b. 1854) was born in New York and lived subsequently in Chicago and Indianapolis, where he was cited as being "identified with terra cotta manufacturing interests." By the 1880s, Pierson had returned east and was working for the Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Company, later known as the Atlantic Terra Cotta Company, which was the "was the largest producer of architectural terra cotta in the world" during the first quarter of the 20th Century." His most prominent Project with this firm was designing the architectural terra cotta details on the Brooklyn Historical Society (1875). In c. 1905, Pierson established his own architectural firm - John N. Pierson and Son - with offices in Metuchen and Perth Amboy and he remained with the company until his death.
From its founding, John N. Pierson and Son specialized in school architecture and he came to be known as "one of New Jersey's leading scholastic architects" and "an expert in school construction." Because of the rigorous building requirements mandated by the local school boards, this type of specialized architectural firm was not uncommon. Some of the larger school boards even retained a full-time architect on staff. It was also common for a firm to concentrate on locations within a moderate distance from its office, which likely explains why so much of Pierson and Son's work was confined to New Jersey. By the mid-1910s, the firm had erected "something like two million dollars' worth of new school buildings in New Jersey in the past three or four years, most of them in small of moderate sized communities and all at moderate cost." A 1921 advertisement for the company states, "Architects, School House Specialists. Over Eighty Schools in Ten Years."
Between the 1910s and the 1930s, Pierson completed numerous school buildings and additions including Woodbridge High School in Woodbridge, NJ in 1911; a high school in Flemington, NJ in 1914; a grade school in Bound Brook, NJ in 1914; the Harrison Avenue High School in North Plainfield, NJ in 1915; a 3-story school in Perth Amboy, NJ for $100,000 in 1915; a 2-story brick high school in Middlesex Borough, NJ in 1917; an addition to the Whittier School in Dunellen, NJ in 1919; a 2-story high school in Matawan, NJ for $125,000 in 1920; the 1- and 2-story, brick Aldene Elementary School in Rosselle Park, NJ in 1920; an addition to the Perth Amboy High School on State Street in Perth Amboy, NJ in 1921; a 2½-story school in Linden, NJ in c. 1920; a 2-story high school in Somerville, NJ in 1922; the Keansburg Public School in Keansburg, NJ in 1922; a $92,000 addition for a school in Shrewsbury, NJ in 1924; a school in Fair Haven, NJ in 1926; a public school in Keyport, NJ for $225,000 in 1927; an addition to the schoolhouse in Tinton Falls, NJ in 1928; the Englishtown High School in Manalapan Township in 1930; the New Market High School in Piscataway Township in 1930; the Jamesburg High School in Jamesburg, NJ for $165,000 in 1931; a 2-story grade school in Darien, CT for $150,000 in 1931; the Junior High School in New Monmouth, NJ in 1934; the Grade School in Navesink, NJ in 1934; an addition to the school in Keyport, NJ in 1935 and the Rumson-Fair Haven High School in Rumson, NJ in 1936. Almost all of these commissions resulted in brick Revivalist-style buildings with terra cotta detailing.
John N. Pierson and Son also undertook several non-academic projects including a Colonial Revival-style residence for Dr. Andrew Eagon in Rossville, Staten Island in 1908; the 2-story, Perth Amboy Hardware Company in Perth Amboy, NJ in 1915; the publishing building for the Perth Amboy Evening News Company in Perth Amboy, NJ in 1919; the First Baptist Church in Perth Amboy, NJ in 1923; the 4-story Raritan Building in Perth Amboy, NJ ca. 1925; the 4-story Perth Amboy Trust Company in Perth Amboy, NJ in 1929; the Perth Amboy National Bank in 1931 and the Middlesex County Tuberculosis Hospital in 1936.
H. Irving Braun (1885-1962) and James W. Mancuso (1912-2007), the designers of the 1954 addition, were local architects who often collaborated on local civic buildings, including the Hobart Manor Senior Citizens Center in Long Branch, which was begun in 1958.
H. Irving Braun was born in neighboring Red Bank, New Jersey in 1885 and moved to Long Branch in 1923. His most significant independent work was a nearly 7,000-square-foot shopping center on Broad Street in neighboring Shrewsbury.
James W. Mancuso lived in Monmouth County, New Jersey for the majority of his life. Two of his most significant independent projects were a senior citizens housing project on Rockwell Avenue in Long Branch, which was completed in 1965 and an addition to the Monmouth County Courthouse, which was completed in 1966.
Building Description
Situated at the southeast corner of Joline and North 7th Avenues in Long Branch, NJ, the Gregory Primary School is a 2-story building designed in the Classical Revival style and constructed in 1924. The building is clad in red brick with terra cotta detailing and a concrete base. On the north, west, and south elevations, the building has a brick parapet and a terra cotta architrave, denticulated stringcourse, and cap along the roofline. On the west elevation, red brick pilasters separate the bays and are topped by Doric terra cotta capitals. The building has a flat roof with a stepped parapet on the west elevation. The second-floor windows have terra cotta sills and all windows have brick heads. In 1954, a 1-story addition was constructed to the southeast. The addition is clad in red brick and has concrete sills and metal siding along the roofline. The roof of the addition is flat. The Gregory Primary School retains its integrity, as both the overall form and defining architectural characteristics remain intact from the time of construction. The only exterior alteration to either the original building or the addition is the replacement of the windows, which occurred ca. 1990. The building is currently vacant.
The Gregory Primary School stands on an approximately 2.7 acre lot that is level and trapezoidal in plan. It is bounded by North 7th Avenue to the west, Joline Avenue to the north, Hendrickson Avenue to the south and small-scale housing to the east. Landscaping is relatively minimal. To the north, west and south of the building are narrow concrete sidewalks. Along the front elevation, a grassy area with limited landscaping extends from corner to corner. A central concrete pathway extends from the sidewalk to the front door of the school. A grassy plot with a flagpole interrupts it at midpoint. To the south of the 1924 building, a paved parking lot defined by a chain link fence lies south of the school. To the south of the 1954 addition is a grassy area, which is also enclosed by chain link fencing and a single tree. To the east of the 1954 addition, another grassy area with three trees at the south end. To the east of the 1924 building is a paved parking lot. To the east of the paved parking lot is a grassy area with no trees. To the north of the building is a paved parking lot with a very small grassy area to the north of the 1924 building and parallel to the sidewalk. Three street trees are located along the length of the elevation. The building stands about one mile west of the Atlantic Ocean and five miles east of the Garden State Parkway. The surrounding neighborhood primarily consists of small-scale residential buildings.
The west (primary) elevation of the 1924 building is eleven bays wide. The first and eleventh bays project slightly from the facade plane. They have no openings and are flanked by two brick pilasters. Paired 8-light replacement windows occupy the 1st floor of the second through fifth and seventh through tenth bays. Paired 8-light replacement windows with blind 1-panel metal transoms are located on the 2 floor of the second through fifth and seventh through tenth bays where the replacement windows are smaller than the originals. Although there are no remaining original windows, a 1940 photograph of the building shows the 1924 building as originally containing 6/6 windows on the 1st floor and 9/9 windows on the 2nd floor.
The entrance is the center element of the elevation. A double-height Ionic, tetrastyle portico with architrave and pediment surrounds a double-leaf wood door within a paneled wood surround ornamented with wood egg and dart moldings. A multi-light arched wood window of vaguely Palladian inspiration rests upon the panel above the door. The columns support a terra cotta frieze bearing the words "Gregory Primary School" in bas-relief. The pediment is ornamented with modillions, but the tympanum is empty.
The 1954 addition is four bays wide and substantially recessed from the 1924 building. 9/9 replacement windows are located in the three southernmost bays and there is a single-leaf metal door with a 1-panel metal transom in the fourth bay from the south.
The south side of the building is composed of the south elevation of the 1924 building to the west and the 1954 addition to the east. The elevation of the 1924 building is nine bays wide. Single and tripartite 8-light replacement windows are located consistently with those of the facade.
The 1954 addition is four bays wide and substantially projects from the 1924 building. A double-leaf metal door with 1-light, 1-panel metal sidelights and a 4-panel metal transom is located in the first bay from the west. A projecting canopy clad in metal siding is located above the entrance. Seven adjoined 9/9 replacement windows are located in the three easternmost bays.
The north elevation reverses the arrangement of the south elevation: the 1924 building to the west (right) and the 1954 addition to the east (left). The 1924 building is nine bays wide. A single-leaf metal door is located in easternmost bay on the 1st floor. The entrance is below grade and accessed by concrete steps with a painted pipe metal handrail. Single and tripartite 8-light replacement windows are located consistently with those of the facade and south elevation.
The 1954 addition is four bays wide and substantially recessed from the 1924 building. Seven adjoined 9/9 replacement windows are located in each of the three easternmost bays. A double-leaf metal door with 1-light, 1-panel metal sidelights and a 4-panel metal transom to the east of a 4-light replacement window is located in the northernmost bay. The bay is located beneath a projecting canopy clad in metal siding.
The east elevation is comprised of the 1924 building to the north and the 1954 addition to the south. The 1924 building is eight bays wide. Double-height, tripartite multi-light replacement windows with 3-panel metal transoms are located in the first through fifth bays from the south. Shallow brick pilasters separate the bays. A freestanding, hip-roofed, painted brick structure with double-leaf metal doors, which leads to the interior of the building, is located in front of the third bay from the south. A double-height, multi-light replacement window with a 1-panel metal transom is located in the sixth bay from the south. A double-leaf metal door with a brick lintel is located on the 1st floor of the seventh bay from the south. A 4-light replacement window with a 1-panel metal transom is located on the 2nd floor of the seventh bay from the south. The northernmost bay has no openings and is clad in red-painted stucco.
The 1954 addition is two bays wide. The southernmost bay substantially projects from the 1924 building and the northernmost bay slightly projects from the 1924 building. The southernmost bay contains a double-leaf metal door with 1-light, 1-panel metal sidelights and a 4-panel metal transom. The entrance is located beneath a projecting canopy clad in metal siding and up three concrete steps with a painted metal railing. Paired 9/9 replacement windows are located in the northernmost bay.
On the interior of the 1924 building, the classroom spaces on the 1st and 2nd floors are arranged around the north, west, and south elevations. These spaces are interspersed with service and administrative spaces, such as libraries, and bathrooms. A large, double-height auditorium space encompasses the majority of the west elevation. The classrooms are separated from the auditorium by U-shaped corridors on both floors. The floors are accessed by three stairways.
On the 1st floor, there are six classroom spaces. The finishes include painted drywall, painted brick and painted plaster partitions, linoleum floors, c. 1980 dropped acoustical tile ceilings with mechanical systems above, c. 1980 linear fluorescent lighting, and painted wood baseboards, chair rails, window, and door surrounds. Some of the wood doors were replaced in the late 20th century. Other typical classroom features such as original blackboards and storage cupboards are intact. The service and administrative spaces have the same finishes. The 2nd floor has eight classroom spaces arranged in a similar manner and with similar finishes.
The double-height auditorium is the most prominent interior space. It has no permanent seating, but there is a wood stage and proscenium at the north end, the latter of which has plaster detailing. The remaining finishes in the space include painted plaster walls, linoleum tile flooring, and a dropped acoustical tile ceiling.
The U-shaped hallways on both floors hallways have painted plaster walls, painted concrete floors, and dropped acoustical tile ceilings. There is also a variety of wood trim, including, baseboards, crown moldings, doors and door surrounds.
The primary stairway is located in the center of the west elevation and is a mirror U-return stairway with painted metal treads, risers, balusters, newel posts, and handrails. The secondary stairways are located at the northeast and southeast ends of the hallway. They are U-return stairways with painted metal treads, risers, and handrails. All stairways provide access between the 1st and 2nd floors. There is no elevator. These spaces and elements remain remarkably intact from the original construction of the building.
The interior of the 1954 addition was exclusively used for classroom space. There are four rooms that are located along the north and south elevations and are accessed by a double-loaded corridor that extends from east to west. The hallway has original tiled and painted drywall walls, c. 1980 linoleum floors and dropped acoustical tile ceilings, and original wood doors and wood door surrounds. The classroom spaces have painted drywall partitions, c. 1980 linoleum floors and dropped acoustical tile ceilings, original wood window and door surrounds, and original blackboards.

South and west elevations (2011)

West elevation Entrance detail (2011)

North and west elevations (2011)

North elevation (2011)

North elevation (2011)

East elevation (2011)

East and south elevations (2011)

South elevation (2011)

1st floor (2011)

1st floor Auditorium (2011)

1st floor Auditorium (2011)

1st floor Stairway (2011)

1st floor Hallway (2011)