Additional Pictures 1 First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia

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Do you have an update on the current status of this structure? Please tell us about it in the comments below.

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Annex and Centennial Building (2009)
Annex and Centennial Building (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia North elevation of building, annex, and Centennial Building (2009)
North elevation of building, annex, and Centennial Building (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Rear or west elevation of building (2009)
Rear or west elevation of building (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Centennial Building (2009)
Centennial Building (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Centennial Building (2009)
Centennial Building (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Interior sanctuary (2009)
Interior sanctuary (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Interior sanctuary (2009)
Interior sanctuary (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Interior sanctuary (2009)
Interior sanctuary (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Interior sanctuary (2009)
Interior sanctuary (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Interior sanctuary (2009)
Interior sanctuary (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Interior sanctuary (2009)
Interior sanctuary (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Interior sanctuary (2009)
Interior sanctuary (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Interior sanctuary - close-up of stained-glass window (2009)
Interior sanctuary - close-up of stained-glass window (2009)

First Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Atlanta Georgia Interior sanctuary (2009)
Interior sanctuary (2009)