Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin

Date added: September 25, 2023 Categories:

Before it was demolished in 1986, the Grand Avenue bridge had statewide engineering significance as one of five to seven pre-1895 Pratt overhead truss bridges remaining in Wisconsin and as an early example of the work of the Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Company. It was probably the last highly ornamented bridge extant in the state.

The Pratt truss was patented by Thomas and Caleb Pratt in 1844. By the late nineteenth century it was considered the standard truss design for iron bridges, and many were built in Wisconsin. A 1981 state Department of Transportation survey of Wisconsin truss bridges identified 170 extant metal overhead truss bridges built prior to 1936. Of these, 123 were Pratt overhead truss bridges. Only seven of the 123 over-head bridges dated from the pre-1895 period of the metal truss bridge, characterized by wrought iron, instead of steel, as the construction material (two of the seven may be gone at this writing). The same survey identified about 200 Pratt pony truss bridges, with only three dating from the pre-1895 period.

After 1895 and until 1910, steel Pratt overhead truss bridges built in Wisconsin were very similar to the earlier wrought iron bridges: an appearance of delicacy, with pin-connected joints, built-up compression members, and round or rectangular tension members. The major structural difference was the wider use of rolled components. The 1981 survey identified 32 Pratt overhead truss bridges extant from this period. After 1910 most bridges, including Pratt overhead truss bridges, followed designs of the State Highway Commission. Less delicate in appearance, members on these and later truss bridges were connected with riveted gusset plates.

The Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Company, which was started as Weinhagen Brothers, Engineers, incorporated in 1891 and stayed in business until the early 1980s. One of the most prolific and certainly the longest-lasting bridge company in Wisconsin, the bridge it built in Neillsville was its best example left in the state (an earlier and longer example in Manitowoc was scheduled for demolition in mid-1984). Another Pratt overhead truss bridge built by the Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Company was the Turtleville Iron Bridge, Rock County. This early example lacks the artistic embellishment on the Grand Avenue bridge.

Bridge Description

The Grand Avenue bridge is an overhead Pratt truss bridge that spans O'Neill Creek in the city of Neillsville. Almost certainly built of wrought iron, the bridge has a single lane and walkway and spans 90 feet. Typical of the pre-1895 Pratt overhead truss bridges erected in Wisconsin, components of the Grand Avenue bridge appear light and slender. Compression members are built-up sections of plates and angles riveted together, and tension members are both round and rectangular bars. Floor beams are also built-up riveted sections with plates for the web and angles for the flanges. Joints are pin-connected.

Abutments on the bridge are of roughly shaped stone and the only apparent recent change is an asphalt covering on the vehicle lane of the deck. The walkway retains a board deck. The bridge is decorated with cresting and finials over each portal, and the words "Grand Avenue" are punched into each portal. A delicate rail with curved and angular members spans both sides of the bridge. At the left incline end post on the south side of the bridge a plate reads:

Wisconsin Bridge
& Iron Co
Milwaukee, Wis

The bridge is located on a lightly traveled road that connects the northern commercial part of the city with an early residential area. Trees and shrubbery characterize the banks of O'Neill Creek at Grand Avenue. The bridge is slated for demolition so that a stronger bridge can be erected to temporarily handle the flow of traffic normally crossing the creek at Hewett Street (STH 10 and 73). The Hewett Street bridge is slated for replacement, but cannot be replaced until the Grand Avenue bridge is replaced with a bridge that can temporarily handle its volume of traffic.

Two of the pre-1895 Pratt overhead truss bridges identified in the 1981 Wisconsin Department of Transportation bridge survey were tested by a metallurgist and were found to be wrought iron. It is presumed that the other 3 - 5 extant bridges built before 1895 are also wrought iron since steel did not come into general popularity until after 1895.

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin General setting looking southeast
General setting looking southeast

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin General setting looking west-northwest
General setting looking west-northwest

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin Close-up barrel view looking south
Close-up barrel view looking south

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin Barrel view looking north
Barrel view looking north

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin Close-up barrel view looking north
Close-up barrel view looking north

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin North abutment
North abutment

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin Underside, looking northwest
Underside, looking northwest

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin Detail of east sidewalk, looking north
Detail of east sidewalk, looking north

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin Detail of portal, looking north
Detail of portal, looking north

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin Detail of southwest endpost
Detail of southwest endpost

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin Detail of top chord
Detail of top chord

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin Detail of west rail and floor
Detail of west rail and floor

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin Close-up detail of east rail
Close-up detail of east rail

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin Detail of nameplate, southwest corner
Detail of nameplate, southwest corner

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin

Grand Avenue Bridge, Neillsville Wisconsin