Warren Covered Bridge, Warren Vermont

Date added: July 12, 2024 Categories:
North elevation and east portal (1973)

The covered bridge at Warren village is the only covered wood bridge to survive in the town of Warren. The bridge has a unique asymmetrical design: the east portal is vertical while at the west portal the upper side walls project deferentially to meet an overhanging gable end. Built by Walter Bagley in 1879-80, the bridge will remain unaltered in the future unless, according to the stipulation of a town ordinance, two-thirds of the legal voters approve any proposed change.

The covered bridges of Vermont are among its most cherished and symbolic historic resources. About one hundred bridges still stand in the state, the greatest concentration by area of covered bridges in the country.

Bridge Description

The Warren Covered Bridge consists of a single span supported by two flanking timber queenpost trusses. The structure lacks upper lateral bracing. It has not been reinforced by any of the devices added to many other covered bridges in Vermont. The abutments, however, have been either faced or rebuilt with concrete.

The Warren Bridge is 58.5 feet long at floor level. The upper west ends of the side walls flare outward to meet the west gable end which overhangs the floor four feet at the portal; the east portal is vertical. The bridge is 16.5 feet wide and has a 14-foot roadway. The wood floor, which consists of planks laid on edge and perpendicular to the trusses, begins 2.5 feet inside the west portal and eight feet inside the east portal; the approaches are paved.

On the exterior, the heavy timbers pegged together to form the trusses (and side walls) of the bridge are sheathed with unpainted flush boards hung vertically. Similar siding protects the ends of the trusses immediately inside the portals (except at the northwest corner). The exterior siding stops short of the eaves to leave strip openings along the tops of the walls. There is one large rectangular window in the center of each wall.

The gable ends are also sheathed with unpainted flush boards hung vertically. The portal openings are rectangular except for diagonal upper corners. The medium-pitch gable roof is covered with wood shingles.

Warren Covered Bridge, Warren Vermont South elevation and west portal (1973)
South elevation and west portal (1973)

Warren Covered Bridge, Warren Vermont North elevation and east portal (1973)
North elevation and east portal (1973)