Old Court House, Johnston New York

Samuel Fuller, architect of Schenectady, was also the architect of several other buildings for Sir William. This building served the county of Tryon as jail-court house from 1772 to 1784, and the county of Montgomery from 1734 to 1836, when the county seat was moved to Fonda. In 1838 Fulton County was formed, and this jail-court house has since been used as such. The laying of the corner stone on June 26, 1772, was quite an event. Britishers, Hollanders, Palatine, and Mohawk warriors attended; Sir William Johnson with British officers and soldiers added brilliancy to the occasion, and over all the group waved the British flag.
On October 26, 1775, the Tryon County Revolutionary Committee inquired of Sir William Johnson "if he would hinder or interrupt the Committee to make use of the same public house to our want and service in the common cause." He, in reply, claimed the building and property until he should be refunded L 700 which he had advanced toward the construction. Congress, however, was informed that Sir William had conveyed the property to the county.
The Court House was built of brick. The brick were brought from England and transferred to a sloop at New York for Albany from whence they were carried by wagons to Johnstown. This and the county jail were commenced at the same time, and the legislature in 1774 appropriated L 1600 for their completion. On the octagonal tower on the Court House is a triangle made from a large iron bar, which is struck with a hammer when court is called together.