One of Four Spark Plug Lighthouses in Maine

Goose Rocks Light Station, North Haven Maine
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Date added: January 30, 2025

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Constructed in 1890, the Goose Rocks Light Station marks the east entrance to the Fox Island Thorofare between Vinalhaven and North Haven Islands. It stands on a shallow rock ledge and contains within its walls the keeper's quarters and storage facilities.

Goose Rocks Light occupies an important position in this heavily traveled thorofare. At the time of the light's construction, Vinalhaven supported an important granite industry with two competitive firms, Bodwell Granite Company and the J.H. Sanborn Company. Both islands also attracted summer tourists, and a number of hotels and cottages were erected to serve the growing resort communities. The station was automated in 1963.


One of four so-called "spark plug" lights built in Maine, the Goose Rocks Light Station is a four-stage tapered cylindrical structure that stands on a shallow rock outcropping. The iron tower contains the keeper's quarters within its second stage and was originally equipped with a bell and boat launch.

The tower is composed of a concrete base sheathed in cast iron plates. This first stage is surmounted by an overhanging gallery supported by curvilinear brackets. It was originally sheltered by a roof that has since been removed. The gallery formed by these two components featured a plain tubular railing with vertical support posts and it sheltered windows and the entryway to the tapered second stage. A three-floor division on the interior comprises the keeper's quarters. Three windows are positioned at equidistant points from each other on the second level and a trio of small bulls-eye windows occupies the third level. The latter are located immediately below the bracketed walkway that surrounds the tower's short third stage. A door opens onto this walkway providing access to the short ladder and the crowning lantern stage. The octagonal lantern and its spherical ventilator are framed by another narrow walkway with railing. A solar panel has been added to the gallery since the station's automation.

Goose Rocks Light Station, North Haven Maine