Pictures Chapel of St. Mary The Virgin, Nashotah Wisconsin

Chapel of St. Mary The Virgin, Nashotah Wisconsin Northwest (front) elevation. 1955
Northwest (front) elevation. 1955

Chapel of St. Mary The Virgin, Nashotah Wisconsin  Northeast (side) elevation. June 1960
Northeast (side) elevation. June 1960

Chapel of St. Mary The Virgin, Nashotah Wisconsin Southwest elevation and chancel (southeast end). August 1960
Southwest elevation and chancel (southeast end). August 1960

Chapel of St. Mary The Virgin, Nashotah Wisconsin Northeast elevation and chancel (southeast end.) August 1960
Northeast elevation and chancel (southeast end.) August 1960

Chapel of St. Mary The Virgin, Nashotah Wisconsin Interior toward the chancel. August 1960
Interior toward the chancel. August 1960