General John A. Dix House, Washington DC

General John A. Dix, the secretary of the Treasury from January, 1861 to March 1861, lived here (Proctor's Washington). He was appointed by President Buchanan in 1861.
Dating from c. 1850, this Greek Revival townhouse occupies a rectangular lot near the corner of C Street and John Marshall Place, next to the site of the old Metropolitan Church. Site dimensions are 25' wide by 60' deep. The building is approximately L-shaped in plan, consisting of the principal volume at the north which is joined to a smaller structure at the rear by an enclosed link. The remaining southeast corner area is a courtyard. The building shares a party wall with the adjacent townhouse to the west and is bounded at the east by a vacant lot. The main building is a rectangular three story brick structure capped by a gabled roof. A two story shed roofed brick outbuilding to the south is connected to the main building by a wood frame link. The main structure measures 25' wide by 35' deep and the south outbuilding is 15' by 15' wide. The connecting link is 10' long. Each floor above overhangs the one below, resulting in a reverse stepped effect.
The interior lay-out is repetitive and simple, consisting of a front and a rear room to the east, with stairs and corridors to the west. Two staircases with straight runs in the opposite direction, ascend to meet at a partitioned common landing at the second floor.