Pictures 4 Fox Theater - Music Hall Theatre, Seattle Washington

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Fox Theater - Music Hall Theatre, Seattle Washington Detail of wallpaper on east wall of first landing of stairs leading up from foyer. (Jan. 1992) During the summer of 1991 when most of the photography was done, this wallpaper was hidden by a false wall. The wallpaper was revealed in November 1991 when the false wall was removed during the demolition process. This photograph was taken on January 25, 1992. An identical wallpaper mural was revealed on the symmetrically opposite, or west landing
Detail of wallpaper on east wall of first landing of stairs leading up from foyer. (Jan. 1992) During the summer of 1991 when most of the photography was done, this wallpaper was hidden by a false wall. The wallpaper was revealed in November 1991 when the false wall was removed during the demolition process. This photograph was taken on January 25, 1992. An identical wallpaper mural was revealed on the symmetrically opposite, or west landing

Fox Theater - Music Hall Theatre, Seattle Washington Mezzanine lounge (upper lobby), looking west, with oculus visible in upper foreground. (Aug. 1991)
Mezzanine lounge (upper lobby), looking west, with oculus visible in upper foreground. (Aug. 1991)

Fox Theater - Music Hall Theatre, Seattle Washington Mezzanine lounge, looking west. (Aug. 1991) A view of the mezzanine lounge, looking east, is included in the historical photographs.
Mezzanine lounge, looking west. (Aug. 1991) A view of the mezzanine lounge, looking east, is included in the historical photographs.

Fox Theater - Music Hall Theatre, Seattle Washington Ceiling detail of mezzanine lounge, looking straight up from beneath central lantern. (July 1991)
Ceiling detail of mezzanine lounge, looking straight up from beneath central lantern. (July 1991)

Fox Theater - Music Hall Theatre, Seattle Washington Landing outside ladies' lounge on west side of building, looking south. Stairs in distance leading to mezzanine lounge to the left and offices to the right. (Sept. 1991)
Landing outside ladies' lounge on west side of building, looking south. Stairs in distance leading to mezzanine lounge to the left and offices to the right. (Sept. 1991)

Fox Theater - Music Hall Theatre, Seattle Washington Detail of same landing seen in above photo, looking SE. Stairs on left lead to west side of balcony. (Sept. 1991)
Detail of same landing seen in above photo, looking SE. Stairs on left lead to west side of balcony. (Sept. 1991)