Pictures 21 Puget Sound Power & Light Company, White River Hydroelectric Project, Dieringer Washington

Turbine unit no. 2, looking south (1989)

Relief and safety valve of turbine unit no. 1, located in the subway below the Generator Room; looking south. The safety valve was manufactured by the Chapman Valve Company of Springfield, Massachusetts. It is identical to the adjacent safety valve for turbine unit no. 2 (1989)

Relief and safety valve of turbine unit no. 1 (1989)

Water filters, water from which is used to cool bearings of turbine-generator units in Generator Room above; looking north. This water filter is for turbine-generator unit no. 1, and is located in the subway (1989)

View in subway showing air filters for unit turbine-generator unit no. 3; looking north. To the left is opening through wall which brings fresh air into the filters; this opening is above the tailrace (1989)