Pictures 11 Puget Sound Power & Light Company, White River Hydroelectric Project, Dieringer Washington

Puget Sound Power & Light Company, White River Hydroelectric Project, Dieringer Washington Lined canal looking west from road bridge crossing lined canal (1989)
Lined canal looking west from road bridge crossing lined canal (1989)

Puget Sound Power & Light Company, White River Hydroelectric Project, Dieringer Washington Lined canal east of bellmouth near hop barn, looking southwest (1989)
Lined canal east of bellmouth near hop barn, looking southwest (1989)

Puget Sound Power & Light Company, White River Hydroelectric Project, Dieringer Washington Lined canal and hop barn, looking southwest (1989)
Lined canal and hop barn, looking southwest (1989)

Puget Sound Power & Light Company, White River Hydroelectric Project, Dieringer Washington Bellmouth which empties into Printz Basin, looking west (1989)
Bellmouth which empties into Printz Basin, looking west (1989)

Puget Sound Power & Light Company, White River Hydroelectric Project, Dieringer Washington Bellmouth looking southeast (1989)
Bellmouth looking southeast (1989)

Puget Sound Power & Light Company, White River Hydroelectric Project, Dieringer Washington View from north side of Printz Basin from top of dike, looking south (1989)
View from north side of Printz Basin from top of dike, looking south (1989)