Pictures 1 Ben Thresher's Mill, Barnet Vermont

Ben Thresher's Mill, Barnet Vermont 1979 Front (southwest) elevation from road (State Aid No.1)
1979 Front (southwest) elevation from road (State Aid No.1)

Ben Thresher's Mill, Barnet Vermont 1979 SE and SW elevations: view looking north showing Woodworking Mill and Blacksmith Shop
1979 SE and SW elevations: view looking north showing Woodworking Mill and Blacksmith Shop

Ben Thresher's Mill, Barnet Vermont 1979 Side (southeast) elevation of Blacksmith Shop and Woodworking Mill. Timber frame and plank dam in right background; Ben Thresher's house in left background.
1979 Side (southeast) elevation of Blacksmith Shop and Woodworking Mill. Timber frame and plank dam in right background; Ben Thresher's house in left background.

Ben Thresher's Mill, Barnet Vermont 1979 View looking southeast down Stevens River showing NW elevation of Cider Mill and Woodworking Mill
1979 View looking southeast down Stevens River showing NW elevation of Cider Mill and Woodworking Mill

Ben Thresher's Mill, Barnet Vermont 1979 NE and NW elevations: view looking south over mill pond and dam
1979 NE and NW elevations: view looking south over mill pond and dam

Ben Thresher's Mill, Barnet Vermont 1979 Rear (northeast) elevation of Woodworking Mill from Stevens River
1979 Rear (northeast) elevation of Woodworking Mill from Stevens River