Pictures 8 Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina

Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina Looking to the north elevation
Looking to the north elevation

Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina Closer view of the house and grounds; view includes the historic marker
Closer view of the house and grounds; view includes the historic marker

Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina North elevation
North elevation

Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina North elevation
North elevation

Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina Looking from the northwest toward the north elevation to show portico
Looking from the northwest toward the north elevation to show portico

Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina Looking from the northwest to the north elevation and kitchen wing
Looking from the northwest to the north elevation and kitchen wing