Pictures 15 Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina

Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina Looking from the southeast corner to the northwest in direction of the door connecting it to the north entry hall
Looking from the southeast corner to the northwest in direction of the door connecting it to the north entry hall

Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina Looking south along the east elevation porch from the second floor, northeast bedroom window
Looking south along the east elevation porch from the second floor, northeast bedroom window

Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina Looking west toward the kitchen wing from the second floor, southwest bedroom window
Looking west toward the kitchen wing from the second floor, southwest bedroom window

Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina Looking to the southwest toward the window of the southwest bedroom
Looking to the southwest toward the window of the southwest bedroom

Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina Second floor stair hall looking north to the north central bedroom; note dressing room door to east
Second floor stair hall looking north to the north central bedroom; note dressing room door to east

Fort Hill - McElhenny-Calhoun-Clemson House, Clemson South Carolina Second floor rear stair hall looking west to the hall separating the northwest and southwest bedrooms; note; door to the northwest bedroom open
Second floor rear stair hall looking west to the hall separating the northwest and southwest bedrooms; note; door to the northwest bedroom open