Levi Gale House (Jewish Community Center), Newport Rhode Island

Date added: August 09, 2010 Categories: Rhode Island House

This house was designed by Russell Warren, one of Rhode Island's most distinguished architects of the 19th century. With its strong cubic shape and rich Corinthian decoration, it is an important and creative example of the Greek Revival in domestic architecture.

In late 1925, the house was moved from its original site which is now occupied by the Court House, for use as a community center for the congregation of Touro Synagogue. Roof parapets and shutters shown in photographs taken before the house was moved have been removed. The interior has been extensively remodelled for institutional use by the present owners.

Over-all dimensions: 50 feet by 50 feet; square plan; 5 bays; 2 1/2 stories,

Floor plan: The central hall runs east-west from the east entrance porch to the remodeled stairway, then to the ground level entrance of the west porch. The north door, originally the garden entrance, is not used. Although it appears to be the principal entrance with the house in its present location, it leads to a small triangular vestibule between the two principal rooms. These two rooms remain in original condition. The other areas of the house have been remodeled with classrooms, meeting rooms, offices, and rest rooms.