David King House, Newport Rhode Island

David King built this house for his daughter and son-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. William H. Birckhead. Although King never lived in this house, the original family called it the "King House", as seen in the deeds of 1917. Dr. Birckhead is listed in Newport Directories at this address beginning in 1873-1874.
This house with its Mansard roof is a fine example of the work of Dudley Newton. His unusual treatment of the window sill in relation to the roof line of a Wansard roof resulted in the identification of the "Newton roof" in Newport.
Over-all dimensions: About 38 feet by 30 feet; rectangular main block facing south with slightly projecting bay at southeast corner, service wing to the rear; 3 bays; 1-1/2 stories.
Floor plan: The central hall, four room plan has the main parlor at the southwest, small parlor at the southeast, dining room at the northeast, and library at the northwest. These areas are now used as separate apartments but with no alterations. The pantry and kitchen are in the service wing to the rear. The plan of the second floor is similar to the first with the four bedrooms in the main block and servants' rooms above the rear wing.