Pictures 10 Shippingport Nuclear Power Station, Shippingport Pennsylvania Tweet Do you have an update on the current status of this structure? Please tell us about it in the comments below. BOILER CHAMBER No. 1, LOOP B, STEAM DRUM AND DOWNCOMERS LOOKING EAST (LOCATION LLL) BOILER CHAMBER 1, LOOP B, DOWNCOMERS AND RISERS (LOCATION MMM) BOILER CHAMBER No. 1, LOOP D STEAM DRUM (LOCATION LLL), LOOKING WEST BOILER CHAMBER No. 1, LOOP D STEAM DRUM (LOCATION NNN), LOOKING SOUTHWEST BOILER CHAMBER No. 1, D LOOP, MAIN COOLANT PUMP FROM EAST (LOCATION OOO) BOILER CHAMBER No. 1, D LOOP STEAM GENERATOR AND MAIN COOLANT PUMP LOOKING NORTHEAST (LOCATION OOO)