Pictures 1 Commodore Perry Hotel, Toledo Ohio

Commodore Perry Hotel, Toledo Ohio Overview shot Southwest (1997)
Overview shot Southwest (1997)

Commodore Perry Hotel, Toledo Ohio Northeast (Jefferson Street) and northwest elevation South (1997)
Northeast (Jefferson Street) and northwest elevation South (1997)

Commodore Perry Hotel, Toledo Ohio Superior Street elevation - 1<sup>st</sup> and 2<sup>nd</sup> story windows North (1997)
Superior Street elevation - 1st and 2nd story windows North (1997)

Commodore Perry Hotel, Toledo Ohio Jefferson Street elevation - 1<sup>st</sup> and 2<sup>nd</sup> stories (Close up) | Southwest (1997)
Jefferson Street elevation - 1st and 2nd stories (Close up) | Southwest (1997)

Commodore Perry Hotel, Toledo Ohio 1966 addition Northwest (1997)
1966 addition Northwest (1997)

Commodore Perry Hotel, Toledo Ohio Superior Street elevation- window detail Northwest (1997)
Superior Street elevation- window detail Northwest (1997)