Interior Description Dimon Sturges House - The Windmere - Gardner Apts, Mansfield Ohio
The interiors are accented by fine walnut woodwork in the main section, with arched door and window openings. Sliding doors set in arched openings connect the major rooms with one another. Marble fireplaces exist in all the major rooms. The focal point of the interior is the central rotunda which contains a massive walnut stairway which ascends from a point near the center of the rotunda, but branches off in mid flight into three sections. Two sets of stairs on each side branch off and continue to the second floor of the rotunda. Another flight continues through and arched opening to the rear section of the house, the second floor of which is at a lower level than the main section. The rear of the building has an open stairway and attractive woodwork.
First Floor: From the former main entrance a central hallway has parlors on either side and leads to the rotunda with a main stairway. Smaller parlors are on either side of the rotunda. Behind the rotunda is the dining room, the largest space on this floor. To the rear of the dining room is the kitchen and some small preparation rooms.
Second Floor: The plan of this floor is similar to that of the first floor, with the parlor space on the first floor becoming bedrooms on the second floor. Two large bathrooms are in the rear section of the building. Like the major first floor rooms, the main bedrooms on the second floor all have fireplaces. Some bedrooms have marble corner sinks.
Third Floor: This floor is more plainly finished than the two lower floors. Vertical tongue-and-groove wood siding is used extensively. Two narrow stairs lead to this floor, which is centered around a large skylight which probably formerly was used to light the rotunda below. The rear section here is an attic, lighted by a smaller skylight.