Pictures 9 Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio

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Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio North elevation detail of steel panel attachment to masonry infill (1998)
North elevation detail of steel panel attachment to masonry infill (1998)

Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio North elevation circa 1952 brick veneer over original exterior brick finish (1998)
North elevation circa 1952 brick veneer over original exterior brick finish (1998)

Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio North elevation without steel panels (1998)
North elevation without steel panels (1998)

Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio Northwest elevation - without steel panels (1998)
Northwest elevation - without steel panels (1998)

Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio North elevation - marquee without steel panels (1998)
North elevation - marquee without steel panels (1998)

Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio North elevation - detail of marquee without steel panels (1998)
North elevation - detail of marquee without steel panels (1998)

Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio Detail under marquee without steel panels (1998)
Detail under marquee without steel panels (1998)

Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio Northwest corner at first and second floor - original brick over circa 1952 brick and adjacent to brick infill (1998)
Northwest corner at first and second floor - original brick over circa 1952 brick and adjacent to brick infill (1998)

Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio Detail of typical stone rosette (1998)
Detail of typical stone rosette (1998)

Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio West elevation - north end without panels (1998)
West elevation - north end without panels (1998)

Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio West elevation - first and second floor areas, north end (1998)
West elevation - first and second floor areas, north end (1998)

Marting Hotel, Ironton Ohio West elevation - first and second floor areas, mid-section (1998)
West elevation - first and second floor areas, mid-section (1998)