Nine Partners Meeting House, Millbrook New York

In 1769 the Nine Partners was set off as a separate monthly meeting, which has continued to date (1936). The Friends in the settlement had their own first meeting at a much earlier date, and erected a log meeting house upon the spot, where the present building stands. This first building was destroyed by fire on December 27, 1778. A Committee was appointed on April 16, of the following year, to prepare plans for a less perishable building 40' x 50' at an estimated cost of $600.00. The result was that in 1780 a large brick meeting house was built and stands today a monument to the thoroughness and skill of those who did the work. The bricks were made a short distance directly south of the building on the farm now known as "Altamont Stock Farm." which is the property of G. Howard Davison. The brick are said to be very hard, and the mortar in which they are laid is harder still.
In this building the Friends have met on the first and fifth day of each week to commune with God help one another in the struggle against evil. Throngs once gathered there and filed the entire space of floor and gallery, but at the present time (1936) only one side of the the lower floor is used.