Caumsett Manor - Marshall Field Estate, Cold Spring Harbor New York
- Categories:
- New York
- Georgian Revival
- House
- Mansion

Caumsett Manor is one of the last grand mansions on Long Island retaining most of its acreage and outbuildings. It is a fine example of English Georgian design adapted for a 20th century American country estate. Built in 1924-25 for use as a hunting lodge and farm, the estate was designed by architect, John Russell Pope for Marshall Field.
The house has been reduced from its original monumental proportions. The west wing containing the living room and master bedrooms and the east wing which contained servants' quarters have been demolished. The original dining room has been converted to a kitchen. Subsidiary first-floor rooms have been converted to a living room, dining room and library, all much smaller than the rooms which originally served these purposes. The second floor has nine remaining bedrooms, three of which have excellent water views, plus servants' bedrooms. The third floor has a variety of storage and service rooms.
There are two other houses on the estate, the brick Summer Cottage of 27 rooms, and the stone Winter Cottage of 12 rooms. Although numerous small buildings have been demolished, the estate still has an impressive Shingle-style farm complex where prize Guernsey cattle were raised, several servants' cottages, a gate house, beach house, garage, and a monumental polo stable with living quarters.