Building Description Abraham Curry House, Carson City Nevada

Overall dimensions: approximately 36 ft. by 55 ft. (T bays), excluding a narrow added wing kO ft, long. One story, The original portion is rectangular with slight-projecting pavilions at the center of the two long walls. When considering the added wing, the whole becomes an L-shape.

Originally the house had an octagonal cupola centered on the ridge of the roof. The cupola was of one stage, each face being glazed, and was capped with a projecting cornice and a truncated, pyramidal roof. The cupola, Georgian in style, served as a skylight for the dining room of the house, which was otherwise without exterior light.

There was also a front porch of five-bays which ran in front of the projecting front pavillion and returned against the walls of the main block. Porch supports were panelled, square pillars with caps supporting a cornice which appears to have been a reduced version of that on the house itself, except that there was no freize.

Both the cupola and the porch were removed during the Berning ownership (1919-1972).

The rear wing, which is of stone construction on its south and west walls, and frame on the north, is said to have been constructed after the main house to serve as the schoolroom for a private school conducted by Maryette Curry, Abraham's daughter. The wing shows in the early panoramic view of Carson City and was undoubtedly an extremely early addition. It was later converted into a kitchen and service area.

The Marconnots, who occupied the house until 1971, made it into two apartments, but did not effect any major structural changes in so doing.