Pictures 1 American Cigar Company, Trenton New Jersey

American Cigar Company, Trenton New Jersey West and south elevations, view northeast (2010)
West and south elevations, view northeast (2010)

American Cigar Company, Trenton New Jersey South elevation, Entrance detail, view north (2010)
South elevation, Entrance detail, view north (2010)

American Cigar Company, Trenton New Jersey South and east elevations, view northwest (2010)
South and east elevations, view northwest (2010)

American Cigar Company, Trenton New Jersey North and west elevations, view southeast (2010)
North and west elevations, view southeast (2010)

American Cigar Company, Trenton New Jersey West elevation, Entrance detail, view east (2010)
West elevation, Entrance detail, view east (2010)

American Cigar Company, Trenton New Jersey Basement, view east (2010)
Basement, view east (2010)