Kenneth Perry House, Bound Brook New Jersey

The house is L-shaped, two-and-a-half stories high, with a lower, two-and-a-half story rear extension, and with bays, porches, and other appendages. The front block of the building, which faces east, forms the base of the L with a porch its full width, and a two-story, three-sided bay window on the left, or south, side. A porte-cochere is tied in with the return of the front porch on the right, or north, side. On the south side, behind the front block, within the angle of the L is an enclosed, one-story porch. On the same side of the house, a small covered porch with wood steps and railings leads to the kitchen door in the rear extension. A screened-in porch has been added at the rear of the house and is about two-thirds the width of the rear extension.
The main front porch is entirely of wood on a masonry foundation. The cornice of the flat porch roof has a crown-mold over an architrave. Band-sawn brackets support the overhang and project below the architrave to the column capitals. At right angles to these brackets, at the column caps, are other band-sawn brackets supporting the architrave. There are eight columns or posts with chamfered edges and capitals, on pedestals with caps and bases. The pedestal caps are on the line of the handrail of the balustrade, which has turned balusters.
At the right side of the house, the porte-cochere has approximately elliptical arches with pierced ornamentation in the spandrels, ornamented wood keystones dropped below the heads of the arches, '.and band-sawn brackets at the columns. The porte-cochere columns do not stand on pedestals, but have bases at the porch floor level supported by a stone foundation the length of the porte-cochere.
All the principal windows, both first and second floors, except at the rear of the house, are two-over-two light, double-hung sash with slatted shutters and window heads supported by two brackets. The rear windows, without bracketed heads, are similar to the others. Attic windows have circle head upper sash. On the east front there is a single circle head attic window with a molded, curved head, and an ornamented wood balcony supported on band-sawn brackets.
The interior is central hall type plan with the hall flanked by large rooms on each side which lead to the rear rooms.