Pictures 1 The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel, Dixville Notch New Hampshire

The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel, Dixville Notch New Hampshire 1890s

The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel, Dixville Notch New Hampshire 1900 Lake Glorietta and the Balsams, Dixville Notch
1900 Lake Glorietta and the Balsams, Dixville Notch

The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel, Dixville Notch New Hampshire 1900s Group at the Balsams
1900s Group at the Balsams

The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel, Dixville Notch New Hampshire

The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel, Dixville Notch New Hampshire Old stone portal leading to the Balsams Hotel and Resort
Old stone portal leading to the Balsams Hotel and Resort

The Balsams Grand Resort Hotel, Dixville Notch New Hampshire 2001 NW view showing Lake Gloriette in the foreground, main hotel in center, Tillotson House at left and Beaver Lodge  at right.
2001 NW view showing Lake Gloriette in the foreground, main hotel in center, Tillotson House at left and Beaver Lodge at right.