Pictures 4 Frederika Bremer Intermediate School, Minneapolis Minnesota

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Frederika Bremer Intermediate School, Minneapolis Minnesota Detail of stairway at south end of west wing.  Southeast stairs are similar
Detail of stairway at south end of west wing. Southeast stairs are similar

Frederika Bremer Intermediate School, Minneapolis Minnesota Second floor corridor, west wing.  Other corridors are similar
Second floor corridor, west wing. Other corridors are similar

Frederika Bremer Intermediate School, Minneapolis Minnesota Classroom 312 (second floor).  View to southwest.  Other central (south) block classrooms are similar
Classroom 312 (second floor). View to southwest. Other central (south) block classrooms are similar

Frederika Bremer Intermediate School, Minneapolis Minnesota Doorway detail, classroom 312
Doorway detail, classroom 312

Frederika Bremer Intermediate School, Minneapolis Minnesota Window and radiator detail, classroom 312
Window and radiator detail, classroom 312