Guarantee Trust and Loan Company, Ltd. Detroit Michigan

Date added: November 09, 2013 Categories: Michigan Bank Neoclassical

The Guarantee Trust & Loan Company building has a Neo-classical designed facade with influences of the Chicago commercial style. Its granite facade has a bracketed cornice, one large plate glass window to one side, and a doorway to the other. It is a single-story rectangular structure with a basement. The ground floor contains three rooms, one of which is a vault. The structure also has a basement. There is a second entryway at the rear. The building is flanked on both sides by other commercial structures. To its rear are residential buildings.

The Guarantee Trust and Loan Company was founded in 1915. The structure was constructed in 1932 by Samuel L. May to house the Guarantee Trust and Loan Company and the facilities of a lawyer. In 1939 Joseph Ritzier acquired the property. After World War II, Clare Dennison inherited the property from his son, who died of war injuries. After then, Clare Dennison operated a small bookkeeping service in the building. The building was demolished in 1981.