Fisher Building, Detroit Michigan
28-story office tower with two flat-roofed, 11-story wings extending to the north and west to make an L-shaped building. Projecting piers between strip windows. Tower with stepped-back massing. The Tower roof is green tile with gilt cresting. Full architectural articulation on three sides. The first 3 stories faced with polished, dark gray granite. The upper floors are finished with gray marble. All Exterior metal work On exterior is solid bronze. Entrance of W. Grand Blvd has bronze and plate glass doors with bronze panels and medallions above.
The interior features richly decorated barrel-vaulted arcades at ground level in each wing intersect at shallow dome, also elaborately decorated. Decorations include murals, marble, bronze grilles, and chandeliers. Upper floor walls sheathed with Tennessee golden vein marble, and American walnut is used for doors and woodwork.
In 1961 the Fisher Theater was remodelled and altered from a movie theater to a legitimate stage theater. Remodeling included the removal of the original Art Deco decoration.