Commercial Building 62 Monroe, Detroit Michigan

The structure is a four-story (plus basement) commercial building constructed in brick masonry in 1852. It measures 20' wide and 100' deep. Originally, the design of the structure was similar to that of 58 Monroe. The cornice was removed in 1958 (City of Detroit Building Permit No. 14361). The rear wall was rebuilt in cinder block in 1957 (City of Detroit Building Permit No. 96735).
Hiram R. Johnson (1825-1894). a prominant Detroit businessman, bought the real estate where this building stands in 1852 and erected a series of commercial buildings known as the Johnson Block. The architect is unknown. The building housed a furniture store from 1888 to 1901. William H. Klatt opened a cent-odeon, a precursor to the nickelodeon, in 1905 and in 1906, he converted the second floor into the Bijou Theater, Detroit's second movie house. Renamed the New Bijou Theater in 1918. it ran until 1966. The Cinex, featuring "adult movies," used the theater facility until 1978.