Building Description Doughoregan Manor, Ellicott City Maryland
The facts about the construction of Doughoregan Manor have never been fully established. It is believed that Charles Carroll II built the house about 1727.
The main house, which is about 66-feet long and 30-feet deep, was originally a one-and-a-half story gambrel roofed brick building with two pair of end chimneys. To the north stood a small detached one-story brick family chapel and to the south, a brick kitchen, with servants quarters. Both of these outbuildings were probably erected around 1780. In the 1830s, Charles V enlarged and revised these three buildings into their present form. He raised the main house half-story to a full story, making it a two-story structure. The new gable roof was cut off at the top to form a flat deck, which was balustraded and surmounted by an octagonal cupola. The center door of the front (west) facade was sheltered by a new one-story portico with four Doric columns. A similar new portico on the rear (west) elevation had a room above it and on either side a long one-story covered veranda with iron columns and marble floor extended the length of the main house. The chapel to the north was enlarged and its height raised and the remodeled building was joined to the main house by means of a two-story passageway. The kitchen to the south was similarly enlarged and connected to the central block. The resulting new five-part composition, about 300 feet in length, was unified by the addition of wooden walkways to the roofs of the wings and the installation of a octagonal cupola on the central block.
The central house has a center hall plan. The main hall,paneled in oak, extends through from front to rear. The stair is located in a small side hall, situated on the north side of the main hall, adjacent to the east (front) entrance. Beyond the side hall is a library and to the west, the large parlor. On the south side of the main hall are the small parlor, in the southeast corner, and to the west, the dining room. The second floor bedrooms, remodeled in the 1830s, were completely renovated and redecorated around 1915. The estate, containing about 3,000 acres, and house are in excellent condition.