Loys Station Covered Bridge, Creagerstown Maryland

Date added: March 02, 2024 Categories:
South Elevation (1977)

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The Loys Station Covered Bridge is one of only eight remaining covered bridges in the State of Maryland.

According to Richard Allen in Covered Bridges of the Middle Atlantic States, the building of covered bridges in Maryland was limited to the western and central counties, while the limestone counties of far Western Maryland erected stone bridges instead. Covered wooden bridges were present on many of the major highways, including U.S. 40 and the Jefferson and Buckeystown Pikes in Frederick County. Until the introduction of the steel truss bridge in the mid-nineteenth century, most Qf the crossings in the county were wood truss structures often covered for protection from the elements. At one time as many as five wooden bridges crossed the Monocacy River. In the summer of 1889, the Johnstown Flood destroyed most of these.

The Loys Station Bridge is a one-lane, twin span, multiple king post, wood truss covered bridge that crosses Owen's Creek above Creagerstown on Old Frederick Road in Frederick County, Maryland. The wood bridge is ninety feet in length and rests on two stone abutments. The planking and clapboarding are identical to the Roddy Road Bridge.

The State Roads department does maintain a computer record of the Loys Station Bridge (because it is on a federally funded road). According to this record the bridge was "reconstructed" in 1930 although it is unknown what this entailed. Most of the clapboarding has been replaced according to the County Roads Department.

Loys Station Covered Bridge, Creagerstown Maryland Interior (1977)
Interior (1977)

Loys Station Covered Bridge, Creagerstown Maryland South Elevation (1977)
South Elevation (1977)