Live Oak Plantation House Weyanoke Louisiana

Date added: October 29, 2013 Categories: Louisiana House Plantations & Farms

This is a two-story brick stuccoed house with attic; a covered porch at the second floor level across both front and rear. The rear porch may be a later addition.

On the ground floor across the front, there are four circular brick stuccoed columns, with five square wood columns at the second floor level; originally there may have been round turned wood columns here.

The house is approached by an avenue of magnificent live oaks, running fron east to west from a public road toward a bayou in the rear.

On each floor, there are in the center of the front two similar doors with transome, each opening into one of the two large front rooms, as there is no hall. All exterior doors and windows are fitted with blinds. The roof is gabled, shingled, with overhangs covering the porches; no dormers. There are four chimneys, one at each end of the ridge-pole, two others in line with them on the rear slope. The house is heated throughout by fireplaces with mantels of simple design.

The exterior front stair leads from the ground floor porch through the floor of the second story porch as is typical with this kind of house. An interesting small interior stair leads up from the dining room, hidden by a narrow, panelled door similar to two others that lead to lockers.

There is no fence about the house, and there seems never to have been a garden, there being only a few Spanish dagger plants informally placed and a few vines at one end of the porches. This may be the result of the dense shade and the acidity of the soil caused by the heavy deposit of oak leaves.

There is no porte-cochere but there is ample room in front of the house for a vehicle to turn.

As might be expected, there are other plantations in other parishes with the same, or very nearly the same,name, as Live Oak, Vermillion Parish, and Live Oaks, Iberville Parish.