Magnolia Mound Plantation, Baton Rouge Louisiana

The original plantation house consisted of three rooms across with one room subdivided into two rooms, making four. The wooden house with a gallery was raised on cypress piers and had a hipped roof. It measured about forty seven feet long by twenty feet wide, with a gallery ten and a half feet long.
Magnolia Mound was enlarged and embellished between 1815 and 1820, when Armand Duplantier and Constance Joyce Duplantier resided here. A dining room was added across the back of the existing house, flanked by two rooms and a stair hall. Another gallery was added beyond the dining room. The existing gallery was extended across the front and on the northern side. The roof was extended to incorporate the addition and the cove ceiling in the parlor. Moldings, mantels and overmantels were added in the Adam style.
Through the years the house was altered many times. Although Magnolia Mound was renovated to some degree in 1951, the house was in a neglected state when the Parish of East Baton Rouge expropriated the property in December 1966 to save it from demolition.