Pictures 1 Attucks High School, Hopkinsville Kentucky

Attucks High School, Hopkinsville Kentucky South elevation of original Attucks High School construction (2012)
South elevation of original Attucks High School construction (2012)

Attucks High School, Hopkinsville Kentucky Detailed view of front entrance of the original structure (2012)
Detailed view of front entrance of the original structure (2012)

Attucks High School, Hopkinsville Kentucky Cornerstone with names of Attucks High School Board of Trustees (2012)
Cornerstone with names of Attucks High School Board of Trustees (2012)

Attucks High School, Hopkinsville Kentucky Cornerstone with date of construction of original school, architect, and contractor (2012)
Cornerstone with date of construction of original school, architect, and contractor (2012)

Attucks High School, Hopkinsville Kentucky Detailed elevation of fenestration on front facade (2012)
Detailed elevation of fenestration on front facade (2012)

Attucks High School, Hopkinsville Kentucky View of underside of eaves showing bracket detailing (2012)
View of underside of eaves showing bracket detailing (2012)