Pictures 5 John T. Beasley Building - Citizens Gas & Fuel Company, Terre Haute Indiana
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Night view of the ground floor, central display window showing an exhibit of gas ranges. On bottom right margin in blue ink, "10-8-58"

Aerial of central Terre Haute with negative inscribed letters (prints on positive as white) along the bottom margin, "(02105-631K-118) (3-10-37. 10:30A) (R-1000) (State Normal College, Terre Haute, Ind.)" This view taken looking east shows the gas building in the near foreground right.

2 An aerial oblique of central Terre Haute. This view, taken looking north, shows the gas company building on the bottom margin, slightly right of center. On reverse, in black pencil, "Summer, 1965 Arnold-Damon Studio" and in blue ink cursive script, "Aerial Views 1974".