Pictures 3 Schnull & Company Building, Indianapolis Indiana

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Schnull & Company Building, Indianapolis Indiana 1989 Detail, mezzanine, back stair balustrade
1989 Detail, mezzanine, back stair balustrade

Schnull & Company Building, Indianapolis Indiana 1989 Detail, mezzanine, corner column capital
1989 Detail, mezzanine, corner column capital

Schnull & Company Building, Indianapolis Indiana 1989 Detail, mezzanine, side column capital
1989 Detail, mezzanine, side column capital

Schnull & Company Building, Indianapolis Indiana 1989 Detail, third floor, beam support and joist hanger
1989 Detail, third floor, beam support and joist hanger

Schnull & Company Building, Indianapolis Indiana 1989 View northwest, fourth floor, skylight room
1989 View northwest, fourth floor, skylight room

Schnull & Company Building, Indianapolis Indiana 1989 View northeast, fifth floor
1989 View northeast, fifth floor