Pebble Hill Plantation, Thomasville Georgia

Pebble Hill Plantation complex of main house, outbuildings, landscaping, and surrounding hunting land resembles an English manor complex. The Main House was designed and built in 1934-1935, along with several of the earlier outbuildings, by Abram Garfield (1872-1958) of Cleveland, Ohio, a nationally-known architect. The numerous outbuildings and outlying structures is one of the largest, if not the largest, collection of such outbuildings remaining in Georgia.
Carved from a wilderness, besieged by war and poverty, and reconstructed with perseverance and vision, Pebble Hill Plantation has both influenced and reflected the history of Thomas County and southwestern Georgia. Established in the mid-1820s, the property's early development is similar to that of many other southern plantations. In the 1890s, however, northern interest and investment signaled a change in fortune, and Pebble Hill assumed a new direction and significance.
In 1818, the State of Georgia formed three counties along the state's south and southwestern borders from recently ceded Indian territory. These counties were Early, Irwin, and Appling. These counties were quite large and would be subdivided as growth made it necessary. The land was distributed in the Land Lottery of 1820.
By 1823, growth made the formation of Decatur County necessary. It was carved out of portions of Early County. The formation of yet another county became an issue in the state elections of 1825. Thomas Jefferson Johnson, who would later build Pebble Hill, campaigned in favor of a new county and was elected to the legislature. Johnson was the son of a successful Pulaski County planter and came to southwest Georgia to establish a plantation like his father's. After winning the election, Johnson presented a bill to the legislature calling for the formation of Thomas County. The bill became law in December 1825, and elections for county officials soon followed. County commissioners chose a site for the county seat. Johnson owned the land lot chosen and sold it to the commissioners for a $10 profit. On December 22nd, 1826, the state legislature officially recognized the county seat to be Thomasville. Although Thomasville was not named for Johnson, he most likely influenced its designation. Johnson's relative, General Jett Thomas, was a distinguished architect and also served as a military commander in the War of 1812. Johnson evidently submitted his name for both the county and the town.
Johnson acquired several land lots during the 1820s and in 1825 purchased lot 246, on which he built his house. Johnson married Jane Wilkinson Hadley in March 1827, and brought her to his new home. While the exact date of construction of this first house is unknown, Johnson had been living on the property since 1825. The structure was a simple two-story dwelling with farm outbuildings and slave cabins nearby. The Johnsons had three children in three years, and Jane died shortly after the birth of the third child. She was buried on the plantation in what would become the family cemetery. Johnson married again in 1839, to Martha Evans Everett, but they had no children.
Only one of Johnson's children, Julia Ann, survived to adulthood.
Before his death in 1847, Johnson amassed at least 3000 acres of land. He and his twenty slaves created an almost completely self-sufficient plantation. Johnson produced both Sea Island and short staple cotton in large quantities, but he also harvested corn, tobacco and sugar cane. He had 104 head of hogs, 24 head of cattle, and 90 head of sheep, and held several work animals including oxen, horses and a mule. Because he did not rely completely on cotton for income, his plantation was quite profitable. He became one of the county's wealthiest citizens, and extended loans to many local farmers and businessmen. Usually taking land or slaves as collateral, Johnson was known as a fair and understanding banker, sometimes extending terms during agricultural crises.
Upon his death, Johnson left the plantation to his widow Martha and his daughter Julia Ann. They were assisted in managing the operation by Ewen McLean, the husband of Johnson's niece, Cynthia Thomas. Julia Ann was married to John William Henry Mitchell, Sr. sixteen months after her father's death. When Mrs. Martha Evans Johnson died in 1850, the Mitchells became the sole owners of the plantation. They soon began work on a new main house to replace the existing one. The Mitchells hired John Wind, an English-born architect, to build a one-story frame structure. Wind was well known in Thomas County, having already designed the Thomas County Courthouse, Thomas Jones' Greenwood Plantation, and several other residences and public buildings. Later, Wind would advertise that the Mitchells were satisfied customers. The house Wind built was H-shaped and contained a kitchen and eight rooms.
The Mitchells soon filled the house with five children, four of whom survived childhood. Their eldest, Jane Temperance, gave the plantation its name. Although Julia Ann tried diligently to keep the walks well swept, pebbles constantly fell back onto them. Jane complained to her mother that they lived on a "pebble hill," and the name has remained to this day.
Mitchell increased the efficiency and profitability of the plantation through hard work and innovative planting methods. He added peas, beans and potatoes to the already diversified crop production, and by applying irrigation methods, became one of the county's largest rice planters. Mitchell was more conservative than his father-in-law and did not loan money to any degree. He did, however, acquire additional land for Pebble Hill.
During the Civil War, the crops produced in the county became crucial to the Confederacy. Mitchell sent a substitute to fight in his stead during the first years of the war so that he could remain to oversee operations at Pebble Hill. In 1864, Mitchell was appointed Adjutant of the county's militia battalion. The battalion was called to action by Governor Joe Brown to defend Atlanta. The troops moved south through Macon and Savannah as Sherman marched to the sea, but were withdrawn in February 1865 as the Confederacy collapsed.
Mitchell returned to a Pebble Hill short of supplies and labor. With determination, he began the spring planting but died of pneumonia on March 5th, 1865.
Mitchell died intestate, and Julia Ann was appointed the administratrix of his estate. The abolition of slavery posed a serious threat to the planting season as well as to the value of the estate. Despite these setbacks, Julia Ann and her children managed to hold on to the plantation through the 1870s. Julia Ann budgeted strictly and sent both son, John W. H., Jr., and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to school. She also found money to pay for harvesting crops, maintaining structures and obtaining equipment. By 1875, she had $800 deposited in the town's first bank.
For unknown reasons, in 1876 Robert Hardaway brought suit against Julia Ann as a trustee. The court ruled that the land was to be divided between Julia Ann and her children: Jane Temperance Stevens, Martha Josephine Stubbs, Mary Elizabeth (Bettie) Davenport, and John W. H. Mitchell, Jr. By this time, Julia Ann had developed heart disease and in January 1881, she died.
Much of the central core of Pebble Hill devolved to Martha Josephine as a result of litigation and inheritance. Jane Temperance sold her portion of Pebble Hill in 1885 to Charles Thorne of Illinois. John W. H., Jr. held his portion and continued to live in the main house along with Martha and her daughter. Bettie's holdings did not include Pebble Hill proper. Martha married again in 1889 and moved to new York with her new husband, James Munro. Her brother served as her agent in managing her property. In 1895, her holdings were sold to Horace J. McFarlan of New Jersey. Since Mitchell sold most of his holdings, Pebble Hill, as it had been developed by Thomas Jefferson Johnson and expanded by Julia Ann and John W. H. Mitchell, Sr., no longer existed as a productive entity.
While all of these land transactions involving Pebble Hill were taking place, the economy of Thomasville was changing. By war's end, soaring prices and lack of capital had slowed the southern economy almost to a halt, but conditions in Thomasville improved rapidly after the war. The Atlantic and Gulf Railroad ended in the town, and fear of malaria and yellow fever prevented extensive travel further south. During the 1870s, northern industrialists began visiting the Thomasville area seeking relief from bronchial and pulmonary ailments. They believed that the pine-scented air and warm climate were beneficial. Locals did not discourage this belief. Hotels and boarding establishments opened to accommodate the visitors, who soon discovered the abundant opportunities for hunting and fishing. By the 1880s, most of the town's winter guests were physically well, although those with physical infirmities continued to come also. Thomasville became such a popular winter resort that the population soared to three times its summer count of 5000.
Between 1888 and 1891, J. Wyman Jones, a wealthy New Jersey businessman, established a wooded park stocked with game birds and wild animals, thus creating the first local hunting preserve. In 1895 he renamed it the Glen Arven Country Club and opened one of the first golf courses in the country. Jones acquired other land from local farmers who were unable to raise enough crops to pay their taxes. He and his wife, Salome Hanna of Cleveland, Ohio, purchased the old McIntyre place on the Tallahassee Road and renovated it into a handsome residence, renaming it "Elsoma." By this time, several other wealthy northern visitors had purchased lands and established permanent homes in the Thomasville area. Most of these residences were converted into hunting preserves. Even after the railroad was constructed south into Florida and the fear of malaria and yellow fever were overcome, many northerners remained in Thomasville specifically for the pleasures of hunting.
Salome Hanna Jones' brother, Howard Melville "Mel" Hanna, accepted his sister's advice and came to Thomasville in 1895. During his trip, his brother, Mark, hosted William McKinley and his wife. The McKinleys came ostensibly for Mrs. McKinley's health, but William used the time to confer with leading members of the Republican Party in the south. After securing their support, he went on to win the party's nomination and the presidential election in 1896. President McKinley and his wife returned in 1899 to visit the Hannas in Thomasville once again.
In November 1896, Howard Melville (Mel) Hanna purchased Melrose Plantation from his nephew, Charles Chapin. Chapin, Salome's son by her first marriage, had purchased the property soon after the Joneses came to Elsoma. Melrose bordered Pebble Hill on the north side. Within a few months, Hanna cast his eyes on Pebble Hill. Owner Horace McFarlan had recently sold the property to Judge Henry W. Hopkins, a local Thomasville civic leader, who in turn, sold it to Hanna. By the turn of the century, Hanna had acquired Melrose, Pebble Hill and numerous other tracts in the area, converting the farmland into wildlife preserves and shooting plantations.
In 1901, Mel Hanna gave to his daughter, Kate Hanna Ireland, the house at Pebble Hill and the land around it. She later acquired more land from her father and brother Howard. Through the years, she acquired land surrounding Pebble Hill by purchase and increased her holdings to more than 4000 acres. Each winter, she brought her children, Robert Livingston, Jr. ("Liv") and Elizabeth ("Pansy"), south from Cleveland to stay at Pebble Hill. Mother and children became very attached to the plantation, and Kate devoted much of her energy to the expansion and development of Pebble Hill.
Kate set about the renovation of Pebble Hill with vision and determination. She added gardens near the main house and in 1914, added the east wing. Italianate in style, the addition included a loggia and several large rooms. She also had constructed a log cabin for her children which they used first as their winter school and then as a playhouse. Stables and a carriage house were built, and existing outbuildings were repaired and reopened for use.
Maintaining a shooting plantation was a complex operation. Large expanses of land were burned off each season to allow freedom of movement for both wildlife and hunters, and fields of corn and other grains were planted and left, unharvested, to attract game birds, particularly quail. Local residents were hired and trained to assist in running the plantation and in organizing the hunts. Since hunting season meant many guests remained for extended periods, a large house staff was required to meet the needs of the family. To house all of these workers, cottages were constructed on the grounds. More than sixty such families lived on the property. Support structures were also added, including a staff kitchen and laundry building called the "Waldorf," and schools to educate the children of workers. A large vegetable garden supplied the staff with food, and the plantation's corporate arm, Pebble Hill Products, supplied dairy products and meats through the plantation store.
Pebble Hill Products came into existence during the 1920s when Kate Ireland established her champion Jersey herd. In 1920, she purchased her first thoroughbreds and in 1922, with the aid of Paul Sparrow, her new herdsman, she purchased a herd of Jersey cattle, adding to them some stock from Canada. By 1930, the herd was producing championship stock. Well known Pebble Hill cattle included Brampton Standard Sir, who won 14 Grand Championships, and Xenia's Sparkling Ivy, who won numerous honors of her own and gave birth to five Superior Sires.
Divorced in 1919, Kate Hanna Ireland was remarried in 1923 to Perry Williams Harvey, an executive with the Hanna Company in Cleveland. Harvey shared his wife's love for Pebble Hill and assisted her in developing the Jersey herd. He was himself an authority on game birds and extremely interested in trotting horses. He was part owner of Pastime Stables in Thomasville.
In 1927, the Harveys commissioned Cleveland architect, Abram Garfield (1872-1958), son of the late President James A. Garfield, to design a complex of service buildings, including a dairy, cow barn, stables and carriage house. Included in the complex were apartments and offices for workers. The dairy complex reflected the European heritage of its occupants, featuring Norman towers and Georgian serpentine walls. Garfield also oversaw the construction of matching gatehouses at the front entrance to the Pebble Hill property and added brick walls to the family cemetery, the black cemetery and the tennis courts. At the same time, the cemeteries were cleaned up and repaired, and Mrs. Harvey had concrete markers erected.
Mrs. Harvey's concern for Pebble Hill and her interest in championship cattle were matched by her sense of civic responsibility. Besides offering employment to local families during the Depression (1930s), she supported several local charities and established the Pebble Hill School and Visiting Nurse Association. Medical care in southwest Georgia was limited, and workers at most of the plantations did not have adequate funds for even emergency care. The Association provided registered nurses to travel throughout the county, primarily to the plantations, to provide medical care for the poor. Many of the plantation owners gave money to support the program since it aided their employees. A nurse's office was built at Pebble Hill, which served as the headquarters for the Association. Miss Ireland assisted her mother in administering this program.
To provide an opportunity for the children of her employees to complete at least a 7th grade education, Mrs. harvey built two schools on the property (one on the west of the property and one on the east) and hired black teachers to lead the classes. Students received hot meals for lunch, and the teachers boarded on the plantation.
During Mrs. Harvey's ownership of Pebble Hill, three important celebrations were observed: Easter, Emancipation Day, and Christmas. Easter was a family event that featured an egg hunt for the children, dinner for all and dances and plays by the employees. Employees from several local plantations were invited, and many families traveled eight miles by wagon from town. Upon arrival, each family was marked off the invitation list and proceeded to the tennis courts and carriage green. Each child came to Mrs. Harvey and Miss Ireland to receive a basket for the egg hunt. Two of the hidden eggs were gold. The first gold egg found brought a $5 prize; the second, a $2 prize. Families ate together at long tables and feasted on sandwiches, fruit, cakes, punch and milk. After lunch, the children sang songs and gave speeches. They were rewarded with toys or hair ribbons. The adults presented mimes, dances and plays, and sang songs.
The celebration of Emancipation Day reflected the northern roots of many employers. Each year at Pebble Hill, and other local plantations, the employees received a holiday and a special meal on May 20th. Employees assisted in clearing the black cemetery and joined in a picnic afterward. This tradition continues.
Christmas was awaited with great anticipation because the Harvey family chose special gifts for everyone associated with Pebble Hill. The gifts were wrapped and presented at a Christmas party. Men commonly received shirts or pants. Women were given bolts of material. The children received ties, hair ribbons, or toys. Each family received linens, and large families received extra blankets. Mrs. Harvey and her children presided over the celebration and distributed the gifts personally.
In 1932, Mr. Perry Harvey died of heart disease, following a bout with influenza. He was buried in the Hanna-Harvey extension to the Pebble Hill Cemetery.
Another tragedy struck Pebble Hill in the winter of 1934 when fire destroyed most of the Main House. Several house guests were visiting, and the fireplaces were all in operation. The plantation fire engine, as well as engines from Thomasville, rushed to the scene, and most of the furnishings were saved. No lives were lost, but only the 1914 addition to the house was saved.
Reconstruction began almost immediately. Mrs. Harvey called upon Abram Garfield once again, and he designed a three-story residence in the Georgian style. The new residence was of modern steel-concrete construction and had a brick veneer. The surviving 1914 wing was raised and a concrete floor was laid beneath for safety. Interior details included millwork assembled and painted in Cleveland and hallway molding designed to fit the Harveys' collection of double elephantine folio Audubon prints of local birds. Most of the construction work was accomplished by local residents eager for work during the Depression years. Mrs. Harvey commissioned landscape architect V. Ethylwyn Harrison, one of the few female landscape architects in the nation, and also from Cleveland, Ohio, to add additional gardens to complement the new house. The Harveys had used the services of Miss Harrison on their Cleveland estate as well.
Mrs. Harvey died of pneumonia in May 1936, just four months after the completion of the new house. She was mourned by rich and poor alike. Her legacy was a Pebble Hill steeped in history, carefully preserved, and rebuilt with a patient but determined vision.
Miss Ireland inherited the plantation and continued to take an active role in the operation of the property. Her time as owner was not marked by major building programs. Rather, she became the preserver of an outstanding estate.
Inheriting her mother's passion for the outdoors, Miss Ireland loved wildlife and sports. She was a champion rider and one of the few female polo players of her era. She kept several champion horses at Pebble Hill and took over part of the dairy and cow barn to quarter her thoroughbreds. She later purchased a farm in Kentucky where she bred champion thoroughbreds.
Dogs were Miss Ireland's principle interest at Pebble Hill. She increased the number of hunting dogs at the kennels, and eventually owned over a hundred at one time. Her dog trainers and kennelmen worked year-round to train and maintain her dogs for the hunting season. During the season, she often set out at four or five in the morning and did not return home until dinner. The dogs flushed out wild turkey, quail, and doves, as well as an occasional bobcat.
In 1946, Miss Ireland married Mr. Parker Barrington Poe of Texas. The Poes traveled extensively and stayed at various times of the year in Georgia, Maine and Kentucky. As Mrs. Poe grew older, she spent more and more time at Pebble Hill. She supported historical and environmental groups, and her lasting gift to Pebble Hill was the establishment of the non-profit Pebble Hill Foundation to manage the estate and oversee public visitation to the property.
Upon Mrs. Poe's death in 1978, Mr. Poe devoted several years to preparing the house and grounds for public interpretation and viewing. The plantation was open to the public in October, 1983. The property remains today the most outstanding example of the Thomas County shooting plantations, and will continue to be protected by the Foundation.
Site Description
Pebble Hill Plantation consists of a large complex of buildings and 3,000 acres of land situated four miles southwest of Thomasville, Georgia, amidst other large winter plantations. The Pebble Hill main building complex includes the Main House and numerous outbuildings in the vicinity of the Main House. There are also ancillary structures scattered throughout the vast outlying acreage of a managed pine forest. The structures date from the turn of the century to 1935 and vary in style and construction materials. Many are covered in brick veneer, others are wooden and painted.
The current Main House replaces the antebellum one which burned in 1934 and was rebuilt in 1934-1935. An Italianate-styled east wing, added in 1914 to the original main house, was the only part of the original house to survive the fire. It had a concrete floor added during the 1934-1935 rebuilding. The main house has eight wood columns on the main, front porch, with a front door with a fanlight and sidelights, numerous open porches and balconies, and a north entrance that features a palladian window. The house contains forty main rooms, plus hallways, secondary staircases, and a basement that houses mechanical systems, the servants' dining room, workrooms, and storage rooms. All millwork was produced in Cleveland, Ohio, and shipped with five coats of paint applied. The final coat of paint was applied on site. The staircase was assembled in the architect's office in Cleveland, then disassembled and shipped to the site and reassembled. The plaster dome consisting of 250 pieces was assembled in Cleveland and shipped to the site. The marble for the floors came from Georgia and Italy. The hall paneling was cut in a size to accommodate folio Audubon prints belonging to the owners. The dining room walls are marbleized from floor to ceiling. The first and second floors feature drinking fountains. The library is actually a hallway with floor to ceiling bookshelves. The 1936 structure is constructed with a steel and concrete frame with brick veneer and brick interior walls covered with plaster. The floors are marble or wood over concrete. The 1914 wing was raised in 1934 to add a concrete subfloor and was covered in brick veneer. The 1914 wing was originally constructed of yellow pine from the property.
Originally heated only by fireplaces, the house was equipped with a steam heating system in 1936. Early 20th-century plumbing fixtures remain in the 1914 wing. The house also has a coal and electric stove, a dumbwaiter to the basement, and an electric bell system (which is still operational) to alert servants.
Much of the land near the main house was professionally landscaped in the English formal style. Beyond these areas are pastures, jumping fields, man-made lakes, and vegetable gardens. The outer areas of the plantation are mainly a pine forest which is managed and maintained for hunting.
The site or location of previously existing buildings or structures is known in some cases. The Main House, completed in 1936, was erected on the site of the 1850 house. The location of the old stables and the Old "Waldorf" (used as a kitchen) are known. The locations of slave cabins and other early outbuildings are unknown.
The property resembles an English country estate. The main house and dependencies encompass only a small portion of the acreage. The majority of the land is left natural for wildlife and forestry management. The property is serviced by more than 60 miles of roads.
Changes to the property have continued over the years. The first known formal landscaping was completed in the late 1890s. The construction of the stables, the old Waldorf, and the white maids' cottage took place during 1901-1905. The addition of the east wing to the original main house took place in 1914. There was a Victory Garden and most of the garden cottages were erected in 1917. The dairy, gatehouses, and cemetery walls were built from 1927-1928. The new Waldorf, firehouse and dog hospital were constructed in the 1920s. The construction of the new Main House took place during 1934-1935. The old stables and maids' cottage were demolished about 1940. Noah's Ark was moved to Pebble Hill from Honey Lake (another Poe property) in 1979. In 1985, the Tea House fell down.
Outbuildings (Numbers correspond to those on the Sketch Map/Site Plan)
1. Visitors' Center - Before 1979, this area was part of the tack room and feeding area in the dairy and stables. Built in' 1927-1928.
2-3. Cow Barn and Dairy - Cows were housed and milked in the cow barn and dairy. Part of the 1927-1928 complex constructed in brick in the Georgian style and featuring silos and turrets. Courtyard has serpentine brick wall.
4. Stables - Originally part of the dairy, Miss Ireland took over this area to stable her champion horses.
5. Carriage House - Used to store carriages and wagons, including the hunt wagons. Tack Room was moved adjacent to this room in 1979.
6. Noah's Ark - Moved to Pebble Hill in 1978 from another Poe property in Florida called Honey Lake, this building was originally a bathhouse. It contains a mural by J. Clinton Shepherd.
7. Kennels - Once housed more than 100 dogs. The cookhouse in the center was used to prepare food each day and contains a huge kettle fired by a furnace. Screened drying racks allowed the food to cool without bugs getting into it.
8. Nurses' Office - Headquarters of the Visiting Nurses Association, this office still contains the furniture and equipment used. Built in the 1920s as part of a complex with #9 and #10. Brick.
9. Fire Engine House - Contains a large gas-powered fire engine and other fire fighting equipment. Brick.
10. Carpenter's Shop - Still in use today, the shop contains equipment to repair or construct items of need. Brick.
11. Dog Hospital - Injured pets or hunting dogs were treated here. Built about the same time as #8-10. Brick.
12. The Waldorf - Built in the 1920s, the Waldorf still houses the staff dining room and the plantation laundry. Brick.
13. Kitchen Garden and Shed - The Kitchen Garden still produces some vegetables, although it is now used primarily for flowers. Once the garden produced greens necessary for the special food prepared for the hunting dogs, as well as food for the staff. The brick shed is used for storage and transplanting.
14. Overflow Cottage ("O.C.") - Built in the early 1900s, the O.C. is a frame structure used as a guest house when the main house was full. It has recently been used for senior staff housing.
15. Log Cabin School - Built in 1902 for Mrs. Harvey's children, the log cabin was both a school and a playhouse. It now contains a schoolhouse exhibit featuring period furnishings.
16. Ticket Booth - This frame building was built in 1979 when the plantation opened to the public.
17. Gatehouses - Constructed in 1927-1928, these brick gatehouses now house staff members.
18. Swimming Pool - Built about the same time as the new Main House, the pool is surrounded by a brick wall.
19. Poolhouse - Built of brick about 1935, the poolhouse now houses public restrooms.
20. Main House Garage - Built of brick in the 1920s, the garage now houses several cars belonging to the family, including a 1934 Packard and 1948 Lincoln. The upper level contains dormitory-like space for staff members (not used presently).
21. Tennis Court - Walled in in 1927, the court was the site of many Easter celebrations at Pebble Hill.
22. Family Cemetery - Walled in in 1927, the cemetery contains the graves of many family members, including Thomas Jefferson Johnson. The Hanna-Harvey-Poe section is to the rear of the earlier section.
23. Country Store - Now a Gift Shop and Accounting Department, the brick building was built in the 1920s. The store marketed Pebble Hill Products to plantation workers during the 1920s and 1930s.
24. Old Waldorf - This frame building was constructed in the early 1900s as a kitchen. Much of the building burned in the 1940s. The building is now vacant.
25. Schoolhouse - This was one of two schoolhouses built by Mrs. Harvey during the 1920s to educate black children whose parents worked on the plantation. Now used as staff housing. Board and batten.
26. Schoolhouse Annex - This small building housed the school teacher for some time, and later became a storage facility. Built in the 1920s.
27. Black Cemetery - This cemetery, walled in in 1927, contains the graves of black slaves and black workers on the plantation. Mrs. Harvey had the wood markers replaced with the concrete markers when the wall was constructed.
28. Tea House Site - Built in the early 1920s of board and batten, the Tea House was located at the end of Crabapple Alley, a long row of trees leading from the east garden. The house fell down in 1985.
29. Pumphouse - Built about 1927, the pumphouse houses equipment to pump steam heat to the dairy, stables and other buildings. Pipes run under the road and field into the dairy.
30. Kennel Cottage - Board and batten cottage used as housing for the kennelman and his family. Approximately 1920. Now used for extra housing and storage.
31. Dining Room Shed = Once used as a dining facility for the kennelmen. Now used as storage. Cement block.
32. Shed - Frame building used for storage. C. 1935-1940.
33. Pipe Shed - Frame building used to store pipe. C. 1935-1940.
34. Site of Old Stables - Demolished about 1940, the old stables were frame in construction. Built in early 1900s under Mrs. Harvey's direction.
35. White Maids' Cottage Site - Demolished about 1940, this building housed the white maids of visiting winter guests. The frame building was constructed in the early 1900s.
36. Maintenance Garage. Brick.
37. Hadley Cottage. Brick.
Most of the brick buildings constructed during the 1920s, and particularly the structures built in 1927-1928, were designed by Cleveland architect Abrahm Garfield, a close friend of the Hanna family. Garfield also designed the new Main House in 1934-1935 and the poolhouse and pool wall.

Plantation Map (1988)

Main House, front facade looking northwest (1988)

Main House, rear facade looking northeast (1988)

Main House, exterior of loggia end looking southwest (1988)

Main House, stair hall from first floor looking north (1988)

Main House, stair hali from second floor looking north (1988)

Main House, stair hall ceiling (1988)

Main House, Dining Room looking southeast (1988)

Main House, loggia looking northeast (1988)

Main House, Owner's Room of loggia looking northwest (1988)

Main House, Indian Room of loggia looking southwest (1988)

Main House, Big Room off loggia looking southwest (1988)

Main House, Second Floor, Lavender Room looking northwest (1988)