Floor Plans 1 Rich's Downtown Department Store, Atlanta Georgia

Do you have an update on the current status of this structure? Please tell us about it in the comments below.

Rich's Downtown Department Store, Atlanta Georgia Rich's Department Store, Atlanta, Georgia, ground floor plan 1924 building.
Rich's Department Store, Atlanta, Georgia, ground floor plan 1924 building.

Rich's Downtown Department Store, Atlanta Georgia Basement floor plan, additions and alterations to Rich's, Inc., drawing no. -2.
Basement floor plan, additions and alterations to Rich's, Inc., drawing no. -2.

Rich's Downtown Department Store, Atlanta Georgia First floor plan, additions and alterations to Rich's Inc., drawing no. A-3.
First floor plan, additions and alterations to Rich's Inc., drawing no. A-3.

Rich's Downtown Department Store, Atlanta Georgia Front elevation (Broad Street), additions and alterations to Rich's Inc., drawing no. A-6.
Front elevation (Broad Street), additions and alterations to Rich's Inc., drawing no. A-6.

Rich's Downtown Department Store, Atlanta Georgia Cross section B-B, additions and alterations to Rich's Inc., drawing no. A-8.
Cross section B-B, additions and alterations to Rich's Inc., drawing no. A-8.