Central Presbyterian Church, Denver Colorado

Central Presbyterian Church Is an outgrowth of the First Presbyterian Church of Denver, organized in 1860 by Reverend A. T. Rankin acting under a commission from the Board of Domestic Missions, Old School. The first Board of Trustees of the church included such names as William Larimer, George W, Clayton and Captain Richard Sopris. The original church divided into new and old school factions in 1869 and in 1874 the name of the new school church was changed from First to Central Presbyterian.
The rented house used for services was replaced by a church at 18th and Champa. Later this site became undesirable as the congregation expanded and the location became largely an area for business. The next move was to the present address at 17th and Sherman. Eight lots were purchased for $40,000. Plans for the new church were prepared by the partnership F.E. Edbrooke & W. A. Karean. Credit is given to Edbrooke for the design of the building and there has been no determination of how much, if any, of the work was done by Marean. The construction contract went to William Simpson and R, C. Greenlee & Sons for an estimated $165,000, completed and furnished. The comer stone was laid in 1891 and the building was completed in 1892.