Pictures 1 Southern Pacific Railroad Train Depot, San Carlos California

Southern Pacific Railroad Train Depot, San Carlos California 1984 Northeast facade, view to southwest
1984 Northeast facade, view to southwest

Southern Pacific Railroad Train Depot, San Carlos California 1984 Northeast and northwest facades
1984 Northeast and northwest facades

Southern Pacific Railroad Train Depot, San Carlos California 1984 Slate roof, general appearance of passenger platform area and setting
1984 Slate roof, general appearance of passenger platform area and setting

Southern Pacific Railroad Train Depot, San Carlos California 1984 Northwest facade, view to southeast
1984 Northwest facade, view to southeast

Southern Pacific Railroad Train Depot, San Carlos California 1984 Northwest and southwest facades
1984 Northwest and southwest facades

Southern Pacific Railroad Train Depot, San Carlos California 1984 Northwest and southwest facades; projecting hip roof section supported by masonry pillars marks location of former porte cochere, removed in 1937; that portion wall beneath this roof section, containing visible double doors, is of frame and stucco construction, scored and tinted to imitate sandstone masonry; interior space formed by this enclosure of portion of former porte cochere now contains restrooms; view to southeast
1984 Northwest and southwest facades; projecting hip roof section supported by masonry pillars marks location of former porte cochere, removed in 1937; that portion wall beneath this roof section, containing visible double doors, is of frame and stucco construction, scored and tinted to imitate sandstone masonry; interior space formed by this enclosure of portion of former porte cochere now contains restrooms; view to southeast