Pictures 1 Studio Theater, Sacramento California

Studio Theater, Sacramento California Looking southwest from a point near the southeast corner of the Public Market Building (visible at right) on 13<sup>th</sup> and J Streets (1997)
Looking southwest from a point near the southeast corner of the Public Market Building (visible at right) on 13th and J Streets (1997)

Studio Theater, Sacramento California Looking west along K Street, showing the Studio Theater immediately to the east of the Esquire Theater (1997)
Looking west along K Street, showing the Studio Theater immediately to the east of the Esquire Theater (1997)

Studio Theater, Sacramento California South front (1997)
South front (1997)

Studio Theater, Sacramento California East side (1997)
East side (1997)

Studio Theater, Sacramento California East side, north part, and north rear, to west (1997)
East side, north part, and north rear, to west (1997)

Studio Theater, Sacramento California North rear, west door, also showing the space separating Studio Theater from the rear of the Esquire Theater (1997)
North rear, west door, also showing the space separating Studio Theater from the rear of the Esquire Theater (1997)