Pictures 2 Cedar Grove Plantation, Faunsdale Alabama

Cedar Grove Plantation, Faunsdale Alabama 1991 North elevation, northwest wing, part of original dwelling
1991 North elevation, northwest wing, part of original dwelling

Cedar Grove Plantation, Faunsdale Alabama 1989 Interior dining room, facing west
1989 Interior dining room, facing west

Cedar Grove Plantation, Faunsdale Alabama 1989 Interior, detail of cornice molding
1989 Interior, detail of cornice molding

Cedar Grove Plantation, Faunsdale Alabama 1989 Interior, stairwell
1989 Interior, stairwell

Cedar Grove Plantation, Faunsdale Alabama 1989 Interior, detail of crosshall
1989 Interior, detail of crosshall

Cedar Grove Plantation, Faunsdale Alabama 1989 Interior, detail of southeast room
1989 Interior, detail of southeast room